Friday, November 29, 2013

Year 2, Day 2: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 48

1. Waking up two days in a row (on time) to get my strength training in. It is hard to wake up earlier in the morning. It is hard to exercise earlier in the morning. But it is soooo worth it. I like how my day starts, I like that I am doing something that is hard for me.

2. A quiet Thanksgiving. We spent it alone - just the 5 of us. We watched "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" - the best Thanksgiving movie. We played Uno for the family championship belt. S won for the 3rd year in a row (I have a feeling she is getting a bit of help). It was wonderful - start to finish.

3. Discovering that Deseret Book has a free bookshelf e-reader app for the computer and iPad. I downloaded and also got 8 free books! So very cool! I have started "A History of Joseph Smith, by his mother" (or something like that). A very interesting read so far.

4. That a month or so ago the DeMilles were giving away free downloads to some of their seminars & stuff. I have been listening to Oliver DeMille (author of "A Thomas Jefferson Education" and my mind is being opened to the possibilities of learning - for myself and for the children. I have read "A Thomas Jefferson Education" and perused some of his other books, but listening to him is where it all comes together.

5. K giving a part of the lesson/message the sister missionaries wanted to share with our family. K did a great job talking about the Book of Mormon, asking questions and giving some of her insights. She is an amazing young woman.

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