Friday, October 3, 2014

Year 2: Day 309: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 54

1. My loving husband's patience, easy going nature, insight and willingness to listen. I am so incredibly thankful for him, our marriage, our family and our life together.

2. Learning more about my children each day! I learned this week that all of my children speak the love language, quality time. Z also has acts of service. S also has touch. K is almost equal across the board, but needs any of the languages to be spoken with sincerity and meaning. Quality times probably one of the biggest areas I struggle in, but my children appreciate my small efforts.

3. School this year! I am absolutely loving school. We are just reviewing and filling in the gaps, but I am really enjoying the whole process. Who knew grammar could be fun?

4. The use of my body. I may be stiff, I may be weak, I may have chronic pain, but...both legs and arms work. I have my eyesight and my hearing. I am basically healthy. All the other stuff will improve - it just takes time and diligence.

5. My children excited about General Conference this year. Well, to be more precise, they are excited we can watch General Conference at home, in the play room, while wearing our pajamas and drinking hot chocolate. I've made up conference packets and we are ready to go. So very cool.

Happy Walking!

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