Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Year 3, Day 75: Food for thought

I ran across "Four Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Healthier Person" written by Dick Talens. You can read it here.

The basic premise of the article is perhaps you, the reader of said article, needs to re-evaluate what you think, do and know about health.

Here is the quick list:

1 - You are responsible for your health - not your genes.
2 - When you fail it is because you are "lazy"
3 - You probably know less than you think about health & fitness
4 - You are too sensitive about your existing beliefs

I actually agree with each above item...although #2 is a little hard to hear...which means it is hard for me to understand. He does a great job of explaining what he means by failure and lazy...and sadly, I think I am in the "lazy" category...dang, I hate hearing that stuff.

I think what I liked about the article is it reminded me that it is okay for me to follow my own path, draw my own conclusions.

I did an earlier post pointing out all the contradictory information we are given about health and fitness. You can read it here.

Today, I saw in the news that the US government is changing its recommendations on cholesterol.

Lesson learned? Do your own research, when choosing to trust an authority figure - research their background, do not turn off your own brain and listen to your own body.

I am the weight I am because I chose not to be as active as I got older. I also chose to eat out more. I'm pretty sure this is a no brainer: lower output, higher input equals weight gain.

I am also pretty sure I have some beliefs about eating healthy that just isn't true. I don't sugar is sugar is sugar so it doesn't matter if it is table sugar, honey or high fructose corn syrup. Maybe that idea is wrong...or maybe it is right. I don't really know. I've read one article and listened to all of my friends - in other words I have turned off my brain.

I want the easy path. I don't want to work hard. I don't want to sacrifice or make tough choices. I want to be lazy, but still be fit and trim.

People who are fit - real people, musicians, movie stars, athletes...whomever, they are where they are because of hard work. Because they listened to their bodies. Because they sacrificed. Because they were willing to ask questions and listen to the answers.

I'm never going to change until I am willing to do those things.

It is so much easier to make a small change and do a lot of writing about it then actually do the hard work.

Just food for thought.

Happy Journey!

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