Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Year 2, Day 236: Decluttering

This has been a year of stopping and starting over....and the year is only half over!

The stopping is always discouraging, but the part to focus on is the starting over. Really, that is what the old proverb, "fall down 7 times, get up 8" means....starting over.

I see stopping as failure. I see failure as a bad thing. But maybe it is time to change that perspective.

I've been reading/working through a wonderful book by Peter Walsh, "Lighten Up". I thought it was going to be a strictly "how to clean up your house" book. It is not. Now, Peter Walsh has books out there like that, but he also has books like "Lighten Up" that puts the whole idea of declutter on its head.

"Lighten Up" is about decluttering your finances, which ends up decluttering some of your emotional clutter and your house clutter.

Who knew it was all connected?

Future posts may be less about exercise and more about decluttering because what I have learned is that until I get other aspects of my life under control, I am never going to get my health under control. For me, the stacks of papers I have ignored for years, the piles of pictures and cards that I have left in boxes for years is a symptom of excuses that I have made to myself.

I have learned that when I feel overwhelmed in the slightest I become inactive and when I am inactive nothing gets done so than I feel overwhelmed. Yup, I pretty ugly circle.

Happily, my finances are not cluttered. The majority of my house is clutter free (I can't stand a cluttered and messy kitchen, bathroom or utility room). The children and I have decided to make scrapbooking our art project for the rest of the year (they are so excited!).

And I have decided to tackle my two biggest stressors (my spirituality and my health) with baby steps.

I like that new beginnings can happen any time of the year.

I like that new beginnings can happen multiple times!!!

Happy Walking!

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