Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 7: Highs & Lows

The highlight of the day: getting up on time!

If I could live my perfect world every day than I would be able to let the sunlight wake me up slowly, I would spend a couple of hours just piddling and waking up, and then tackle my day with exercise, school, housework, and errands.

But alas, I do not live my perfect world every day; instead I will take the next best thing every day - waking up on time.

I don't know about anyone else, but I hate the feeling that I am behind. I may not like getting up early (and in the dark), but I like having the time to get myself ready for the day without chaos. Since I started this walking journey, I have struggled to get out of bed on time. In fact, I was lucky if I got out of bed before 8am. The best time is 6am. I know it isn't that early, I use to get up much earlier in different stages of my life, but 6am is hard when your body gets use to 9am. And boy, does 9am sound lazy!

Today was great. Up on time and out the door by 8am. I felt like I could take on the world!

I compromised with my eldest, I allowed her to set the pace of our walk. She did an okay job and got through the 30 minutes without whining or complaining (or collapsing from exhaustion).

The highlight for my children was the children's area was open this morning. I will spare you all the pictures on this blog, but all 3 children ran around for another 30 minutes. Pretty good exercise considering last year we were all slugs during the colder months.

Proof the children were playing in the children's area.

The low had to do with school. Since I have taken the time and effort to put walking into my routine, school has suffered. I am back to feeling like I am behind. I have a pretty good schedule/routine for school, but find myself not jumping right into it after we are done walking.

Honestly, I am hoping that is just a result of being tired and not use to a lot of physical exertion. I am hoping that it will work itself out, but despite all that hoping I still feel anxious. And when I feel anxious I tend to be a lot less patient with the children.

This blog is not about homeschooling, but it is about the effects of walking. Having to adjust your life and your lifestyle to include a regimen of walking (or other forms of exercise) does effect the rest of your life.

I guess I could be wrong and making a lot more out of this, but does anyone else have similar feelings? Adding in 30 minutes of walking sounds easy, but by the time I am done adding in the drive time to the mall and the children's run around time I have spent an hour and half of my life. An hour and half is a lot harder to add in smoothly than 30 minutes.

Okay, enough negatives - I will end on a positive note: It is almost 7pm and I am ready for bed, but today is the first day I didn't have an overwhelming need for a nap! I call that progress!


  1. I'm glad you posted about this because I had that question--how was your morning walk effecting your school time? I try not to add things to the morning, but then they so easily get skipped in the afternoon. YOu just have to figure out what is most important.

    1. Making both walking and school a priority is going to be hard. I think time, patience and consistency.


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