Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 9: More determination

In an earlier post post I talked about dedication. It wasn't a topic I expected to address so soon.

Yet, here I am reaffirming my determination.

Reaffirming is a funny word, in a sense. I affirm that I believe something or feel something and then when I reaffirm I am doing it all over again. In fact, when you put "re" in front of most words it makes for an interesting idea.

I know 2 lovely sisters who have amazing faith. Whenever they taught a lesson for Relief Society (a women's organization at church), they would frequently mention the need to recommit to the gospel.

I have never forgotten this message: an opportunity to recommit.

This morning I had an opportunity to recommit.

I believe in this post, I mentioned my preference would be to wake up leisurely to the sun. My family (the family I grew up with) will tell you that it doesn't matter when I wake up I am grumpy. And I am. I can admit it. My husband and children will tell you that it doesn't matter when I wake up I am grumpy, but give me an hour to myself and I am happy. And this is true at 6am or 9am. I need that hour to myself.

I woke up not wanting to get up. Not wanting to face my day. Not wanting to be a wife, a mother,  a homeschooler, and certainly not a walker! All I wanted to do was stay in bed and be left alone.


But a little voice in the back of my head started listing all the reasons why I started walking to begin with, listing all the reasons why walking is good for the children and how it counts for P.E. In other words, I talked myself into going.

Now, I was not a very nice person towards Steve - rather grumpy actually. However, I was smiling and joking with the children by the time we ended our walk. We even ran some much needed errands afterwards.

It felt good to recommit to walking. It felt good to walk. It felt good to follow through on a decision. It feels good to tell you that I walked today even when I didn't want to. It is nice to reaffirm my dedication - even if the word is a little funny sounding.


  1. I kind of see it as an opportunity to overcome the natural man.

    1. Yes, very true. My natural man would rather be a big bum who stays in bed all day reading books. Sadly, I was not blessed/cursed with a large sum of money to get away with doing that so I will work on overcoming instead.


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