Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 1 - Thanksgiving 2012

My backyard before my walk, picture by K

Thanksgiving is an odd day to start a fitness journey, but as I said yesterday it is appropriate for me and my overwhelming desire to make life in our new home a better one.

My eldest went walking with me today. She delighted me with her imagination of the final judgement - large scales for different aspect of our lives & the outcome of each scale being added to a much larger scale that would determine our fate between Heaven and Hell. I asked about Jesus' atonement and she got pretty stumped. She knew Christ had died for us, but couldn't see how that made a difference when her life was being judged. As I would explain the atonement, she would reply, "But no one is perfect mom, so your life would still have smudges - no way around that. The best you could hope for is that Jesus would tip the scales a few points in your favor."

A part of me was sad & surprised that she saw our Savior that way, yet I knew this was a concept that would take time to understand - I am not sure I understand it. What I did express to her was that God was a loving God who would not let us waffle about with never a chance to succeed. I told her the important thing to remember was to do everything in our power to live a Christ like life, repent for the mistakes and sins we will make and then have the faith that God will take care of the rest. I also told her that without Christ, we could not make it. Heavenly Father knew this and that is why He sent His only begotten Son to us.

K said that would change the scales completely at the final judgement. I told her yes and I am thankful for it!

A most interesting chat on a day where we count our blessings and remember the importance of saying thanks for all that we have been given.

Here is my short list of things I am thankful for:
A daughter who freely shares her insights with me,
Children who enjoy being home schooled,
A family who plays & laughs together,
My husband's job that provides the food on our table, the roof over our head, the clothes we wear and the cars we drive,
The wonder of indoor plumbing and central heat,
Extended family and so many friends who love us & pray for us,
A healthy body which works and allows me to better my health by walking!
And, finally, a husband whom I find amazing after 14 1/2 years of marriage - I am so incredibly lucky to be married to him.

What are you thankful for?

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