Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 117: Odd Ah-ha moment

Tonight's post is a little odd...and a little personal.

As everyone knows I have been doing a little side journey of discovering my personal style. I have all the advice from all the books floating around in my head and an odd ah-ha moment came up.

One of the books (I think it was the Beginners Guide to Color) stated that as you dress & try other colors/clothes you should pay attention to how you feel by the end of the day. If you wear black and feel energized & ready to go at the end of the day (despite a really busy day) than black is probably a good color for you and your personality. On the other hand, if you feel drained, exhausted, etc. then black isn't good for you. (I know in Dressing Your Truth, Carol Tuttle states that only Type 4s can & should wear black).

Well, I have been keeping track of when I feel "blah" and when I feel "up".

The thing is, I haven't noticed it with any of the colors I have been wearing (does that mean I have a good sense of what colors work for me?), but I have noticed it with what bra I wear.

Weird, huh?

I walk every morning and I wear a sports bra. It is a good sports bra - it is the correct size and it is does a great job of supporting me while I walk. That is what a sports bra is for; however, if I choose to wear the sports bra all day then by the end of the day I am feeling "blah". Seriously. All I want to do is crawl into bed early & zone on t.v.

On the days I choose to switch into one of my normal bras I feel great! I am happier by the end of the day & am more willing to leave the t.v. off and do something else - even if all I do is read a book.

I am also noticing that not all of my normal bras are equal - some I feel my best in and others are more of a...neutral feeling.

What does this mean? Well, I am investing in more bras that help me feel my best that is for sure! It also means that I am on the right track - finding what helps me be the best me. Kind of cool.

Happy Walking!

1 comment:

  1. Tell me about it. When I was young, I thought any old bra would do. I bought clearance specials for $5 at Shopko. One day, I went and bought some high quality bras and got remeasured and all that. Since then, I have told people you don't realize the difference it makes - aside from just being comfortable. You pretty much put that feeling into words. I have a good sports bra and I tried wearing it a few times, but I also felt blah at the end of the day so I stopped wearing it all day. Funny, I didn't have words for that either. I just didn't like the days as much as when I wore my supportive bras.

    There is a terrible looking reality show about women who fit large bras, but one commercial made me nod - she says "A good bra can change your life." It's true! But to make a whole tv show about it? Ridiculous!


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