Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Year 2, Day 202: Sleep

I've had it with sleep. Simply had it.

Sleep is needed for everything. everything.

Sleep helps your brain, your weight, your allergies, your muscles, your digestion, your skin...

And sleep is probably the hardest thing to get in...for me. Maybe not you. But it is the hardest thing to get in.

All the "experts" and "studies" suggest that we, as adults, need between 7 and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Yeah. That doesn't happen to often.

I've tried living on 7 hours - slowly over time I become more and more exhausted.

I've tried living on 8 hours - this works, but almost always crave an afternoon nap.


Now I am going to try living on 9 hours.

Too make this work (and still allow myself and hour in the morning before the children get up), I will need to go to bed between 8 and 8:30pm.

Yeah! I get to be a 12 again.

My children think this is hilarious because they all go to bed after me. That's right. I am going to bed before my children.

This has to be the most bizarre thing I have tried in the name of sleep....but, gosh, I am so tired of falling asleep during movies, reading books and yawning while I am driving.

Happy Walking!

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