Saturday, June 7, 2014

Year 2, Day 192: Cereal

I don't really post much about nutrition because, honestly, I don't know much.

I've decided that I should post my musings, if for no other reason, writing things out helps me!

So, please bear with me on this post.

I think I eat to much cereal. I really like milk with Cheerios or with Special K or with Raisin Bran (although I prefer yogurt with Raisin Bran). Cereal just has a nice texture/flavor combo that I really like.

In the summer time, I tend to eat a lot of cereal. Too hot to cook? Eat cereal! Too tired to cook because I have been swimming all afternoon? Eat cereal! Woke up late and do not have time to make eggs and oatmeal? Eat cereal! Want a late night snack? Eat Cereal! Yeah, cereal just about covers all the meals and moods.

Now, in the winter, especially a very cold winter, my go to food tend to be oatmeal or soup.

But back to summer (since that is the season we are in).

When I am doing a great job at eating healthy, I will eat a salad every day. I will have fruit at every  meal and for every snack. Heck, some of my favorite meals are fruit! The children and I like to do salad bars in the summer. We also tend to eat a lot of what I call, "Bruno" plates - hunk of cheese, hunk of bread, bunch of fruit and maybe some olive oil. We also do the cheese, apples and crackers meals that I first enjoyed with my Aunt Celeste.

Thankfully, my husband doesn't mind when I go into my "it is too dang hot to have the oven on or to stand by a hot stove so I am not cooking" mode. He just eats cereal. Hmmm....maybe I learned this trait from him? (Well, to be honest, no, it wasn't him. It was being a poor starving student in college - I could store a lot of cheap cereal in my dorm room, it required no special tools and I could eat it all day long....)

What is weird about this summer, is that I haven't gotten into my "more fruits and veggies" phase. It usually starts in spring and is in full swing by now. Sadly, I am still in my "all I want is cereal" phase.

Sure Cheerios is good for your heart and low in sugar. Sure Raisin Bran is high in fiber. Not sure what Special K is good for, but the cereal touts itself as a way to lose weight, so it must be healthy, right?

I have been mulling the idea around that what I need to do, is make sure to eat a big helping of fruit or veggies before I pull out that box of cereal...maybe, just maybe, that will get me eating a tad healthier (or at the very least, vary my meals!).

Happy Walking!

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