Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Year 2, Day 188: The Universe helps me workout

I whined yesterday about starting over and moving so slow.

Here is the thing, it doesn't matter how slow you move in the beginning.

What matters is that you are moving. Your body wants and needs you to move.

You will see benefits the moment you start.

And that slow moving? Yeah, you will still feel it later that day or even the next day. You feel that good kind of tired from working hard. You will feel that good kind of sore from moving muscles you forgot you even had.

You might not look like a swimsuit model after one day of moving slow, but you will feel it.

And here is another funny thing that happens when you start moving - a sort of silent announcement to the universe that you are serious - things will come into your life that cause you to move more. Seriously, it happens.

Today was that kind of day for me. The universe (or how I prefer to see it, God) looking out for me. I want to get into shape. I want to start moving more....and what does God do for me? He gives me an opportunity to move today.

You see, Tuesdays and Thursdays are tough days for me. They are scheduled "active recovery" days, which means I don't do the Body by Bells workout. I am suppose to do something active - like walking. However, I sometimes forget and end up doing nothing on my "active" recovery day.

So, today, to ensure that I had an "active" recovery day, God gave me the opportunity to find bugs in my food pantry. A discovery that demands immediate action. A discovery that demands lots and lots and lots of affected foods are tossed out. Which then demands of me, to squat and lift and toss, large heavy bags of food.

Gosh, I love active recovery days! And from now on, I am going to ensure that I always have a plan to get in a gentler, less gross active recovery day....like cleaning behind the television or under the couch or....just kidding! I will set up a plan to do yoga or dancing or walking or swimming or anything besides bugs in the pantry!

Happy Walking!

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