Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 44: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 4

1. Thank you to all of my friends and family who have been encouraging me on this journey. Your words of encouragement always seem to come on a day when I need it most. Hard to believe it has already been 44 days...seems like I just started yesterday, but I know these 44 days are as much about my hard work as it is also about your encouragement & love (which must be a part of the Lord's blessings).

2. Uplifting movies. We watched "Brave" tonight. If you haven't seen it, you should. It is a great movie - reminding us that relationships are all about love and without it we have nothing.

3. Children who are old enough to entertain themselves while I bury myself in a project - be it finishing the Christmas cards (which are woefully late this year, er, last year) or vacuuming the house clean.

4. For my husband who strives so hard to meet my needs. He has worked very hard this last year being his own boss and the fruits of his labors are starting to show, but through it all (and even now) he thinks of my needs (and even my wants and wishes).

5. The Scriptures and the comfort they bring to me. It doesn't matter if I am reading the Bible, the Book of Mormon or the Doctrine and Covenants - I feel a peace as I read. And just like water, I need to read every day to refill my spiritual cup. Its a wonderful thing.

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