Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 62: How to be a dork

We had to be out of the house today for 6 hours...what to do when you live in a state that is bone cold because it is the middle of winter? Head to the Children's Museum!

Our children's museum has an area where you can eat lunch, but children can still play, learn, explore and discover. We treated ourselves to lunchables, ate at the museum and stayed for 4 hours. The children loved it. Our museum has 3 floors and we hit all 3 floors. I personally think we could have stayed longer, but it was time for dinner & then the cub scout pine wood derby.

So how can you be a dork when you spend the day at a children's museum? Well, simple really, you walk briskly for 30 minutes!

On the top floor of the museum is an interactive music/dance exhibit. I have no idea how it is done - lights, mirrors, etc.. but while some funky latin music is piped into the room, your shadow (done as an outline or different colors) is projected onto a wall. My oldest loves this room. She will spend the whole time there if I let her.

Today, I joined her. She tried to make funky pictures on the wall, I walked...well, dance walked. I probably worked harder doing that than I have walking the halls at my house. It was fun.

I did get busted right at the very end. One of the ladies from church was there with her children (no school today), she spotted me & jokingly asked if I was exercising - I had to say yes! Even though I felt dorky, it felt better to get my time in.

And yes, I stretched. I just woke up extra early this morning to have the time to get it in.

The house stinks a little bit from the spraying, but hopefully our bed bug plight is over and done with.Sadly, only time will tell...actually that is true of my walking efforts as well!

1 comment:

  1. What did K think of your dancing? Is she at the stage where she gets embarrased by mom?


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