Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 58: Husbands are funny creatures

Today's plan was simple:

- grocery shop in the morning to ensure I have enough supplies on hand to get through this weekend of cleaning "fun".
- spend the afternoon washing clothes and start working on cleaning items in the children's bedrooms.
- in the evening eat pizza & watch a movie with the children.

Simple right?

I had it all planned out because this is the Friday that Steve has all of his friends over for game day. Everyone shows up around 2pm and stay as late as they want.

Unknown to me, Steve had chosen to take the whole day off instead of working the morning. This already spells disaster for me because Steve wants to run errands with  me - meaning we will stop at more stores than I planned and buy more junk food than I want.

Small price to pay, right? Besides if it is a quick stop then one of us can wait with the kiddos in the car...I figure no big deal.

Then during our errand trip Steve lets me know that game day is being rescheduled because so many of the guys came down with the flu. O.K. I think to myself...he can help me with all the cleaning! right? wrong!

He instead, tells the children that since his game day was canceled he will treat all of us to a movie, The Hobbit. Now, if I say no then I look like the stick in the mud, the party pooper, the wicked step-mother (minus the step). If I say yes, then I lose some valuable time cleaning.

I voice my concerns. Steve says no problem, he will take us to the matinee and then we will have the rest of the day to work. I think not. The movie is close to 3 hours....if we watch the matinee then that is during prime working time. Again, I am the "bad" guy.

At this point, you are probably saying to yourself - send Steve and the children so you can get a ton of work done without them! True, that passed through my mind as well, but...long ago I made a conscience choice to always choose my family over work. Be it work for church, for home school, for the house or even a job (but the last one is mute since I don't work outside the home).

Because of this choice I am often faced with problems like staying home and cleaning for bedbugs or attending the movies.

I chose the movies.

The movie was good. I am sitting up late washing bedding so children can start sleeping downstairs. Steve will help me move some of our items that are a little to heavy for me to move. Tomorrow I will spend the day working on my room. The children can work with me or on their own rooms.

I am sure it will all get done, it is just the stress factor. The "why are you choosing to play when there is work to be done." The "my husband is a funny creature because he does not see this as a big deal."
Then again, maybe it isn't Steve who is a funny creature, maybe it is me, since I felt like choosing between cleaning and spending time with my family was a huge deal.

BTW, I was very ingenious with my walking today. Steve mistimed the movie, we got their a good 40 minutes before it was to begin. The theater was absolutely dead, so I walked the theater. Up and down the stairs and across the aisles. I got my full 30 minutes in before another patron showed up. The children even walked around with me. I felt dorky, but at least I got that walk in!

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