Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 70: Emergency funds

This was taken by S yesterday.
When striving to get out of debt, one of the main suggestions I have seen is build a $1,000.00 emergency fund. The idea is that if you have a thousand dollars in savings for emergencies then the emergencies seem to "disappear."

I have put this suggestion to the test and know it to be true. Emergencies do not disappear, but the ability to manage real emergencies, wants, needs  and stay in that budget gets easier and easier.

I am probably not explaining this very well, but basically once you have the money in place it is no longer a huge crisis/emergency every time something pops up - because you have a plan in place.

This walking journey is showing me that the concept of an emergency fund can actually be applied to many different areas of our lives.

I have gone through a crazy month, but was able to continue to walk (and stretch) because I had a plan in place...I had my "exercise emergency fund".

What I did not have in place is my house work emergency fund nor my homeschooling emergency fund in place...which means that I have truly struggled with those two areas since all of the craziness of bed bugs. Yet, I have managed to  keep cooking meals- because I have an emergency fund plan in place for that!

Why do I mention this? Because my van decided to start having engine problems (not to worry, we have the money to fix it and/or buy a new one). But I won't be able to go back to the mall as soon as I wanted. I am anxious to either walk at the mall or outside or anywhere but at home. I am anxious to have a really good reason to get out of the bed in the morning. I am anxious to have a good house keeping plan and jump into home schooling with two feet.

What I need is a plan. A personal emergency fund that encompasses more than walking. Just like getting out of debt, it will take time, hard work and a plan.

Happy Walking! 

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