Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 240: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 30

1. A great week of not only eating healthy and feeling "light", but also figuring out (calorie wise) what works for me. I have a big breakfast, a "happy meal" size lunch, a small snack & fact, dinner is usually a small salad. I don't feel deprived and I do  not feel over full at night, especially at bedtime.

2. My oldest spending all of her free time this week studying for girl's camp. She was given a camp manual that covers basic first aid, safety advice and how to spot poisonous plants (among other topics). She is super excited to attend girl's camp and wants to be prepared. What I enjoyed seeing, was her highlighting important areas, taking notes and even marking pages (for quick reference) she thought she might need in case of an emergency.

3. My son setting up a schedule to work on scouts, reading books (to complete the library reading program), research snakes (he wants a pet one) and working on a talk about baptism (for his sister's baptism). He usually resists being so...organized with his time, so it is very cool seeing him  figure out a basic schedule for the next two months.

4. My youngest daughter so enthusiastic for her up coming baptism - she literally is walking on cloud 9. She is 100% ready for the big day and it can not come fast enough  for her (it won't be until August).

5. For today: the house full with Steve friends as they played games all afternoon, for the children  behaving so great & getting along so well,  for the children's hard work to get their chores done & helping me run errands, for the excitement the children and I felt as we finished a great book about dragons and the quiet calm of spending time at the library (which all the children wanted to do). It was a great day from start to finish.

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