Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 290: What Are You Willing To Pay?

I watched the season premiere of Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, Making The Team, Season 8 last night. I find it rather fascinating that 500 young women show up for tryouts to make a cheerleading squad where they are paid so little.

I realize that many of them do this in the hopes of being discovered or that it will open doors for them in other areas...but I still find it fascinating.

I think the reason I find it so fascinating is that each young woman is paying a price for a dream. Perhaps the dream is to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader or maybe the DCC is just a stepping stone to a bigger dream.

These girls work a full time job, some still go to school, but they all attend tryouts, training camp, practices, games, photo shoots, special events, etc... If you watch the show, it will give time stamps of when the day begins and ends. Many of these young women are up before I am and go to bed long after me.

They are willing to pay a big price for their dreams. What are you willing to pay? What am I willing to pay? Am I even coming close to paying?

I told my children at the beginning of summer that this is the year of hard things. We all (me included) need to learn to do hard things. We all (me included) need to learn to pay the price for our dreams.

I want to be healthy, but I have not yet paid the real price to attain that goal.

Maybe having a goal like running in a marathon or trying out for the DCC would make it easier to attain the healthy goal....I don't know. What I do know, is that I am not truly paying the price yet.

Yes, I am walking. Yes, I try to eat better. Yes, I try to get enough sleep. But deep down where it counts, I know there is more that I can do. I can eat more fruits, veggies and whole grains. I know I can eat less sweets and refined sugar/carbs. I know I could get more sleep each night. I know I could move more through out the day.

The simple truth is that I want to be healthy, but I do not want to change. I want my cake and be able to eat it too. At this point in time, that is just not possible.

If I want real change than I have to pay a real price - the price of hard work and sacrifice. It is that simple.

Happy Walking!

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