Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 306: Knowing is half the battle...

G.I. Joe tells us that knowing is half the battle. I have often wondered what the other half of the battle is - hard work? practice? planing? executing your plan?

Maybe the other half of the battle is different for each battle.

In my life, battles include patience, procrastination, control, etc.

I think one of the reasons this blog and my walking every day has been so successful is because I took the time to identify my goals, wants, desires and identify potential problems and their potential solutions.

All that knowledge was half the battle, the other half was the actual doing. I believe because I took the time to identify everything then the actual doing was not so hard.

For example, it is Autumn where I live. Some days we wake up to gorgeous weather other days not so much. We have mornings that are cold and afternoons that are hot. There is nothing predictable about the weather (or the season),

Yet, I am able to achieve my daily goal of walking - at any time of the day - because I first gained knowledge and then I did. This gives me more knowledge which empowers me to do more.

I am not willing to go to the mall yet, so we walk around lunch (either before or after).

In other areas of my  life (like writing on my family blog), I am not doing so hot. I happen to know that I never took the time to think about that blog - what I wanted to share, how often I wanted to share, possible problems with sharing or finding time to share. As a result, my posting on that blog is very hit and miss.

I could go through with more examples, but I think you get the point.

I may not being fighting a battle with guns, but I am fighting personal battles. Knowledge is needed first, than the other half of the battle will (hopefully) fall into place.

Looks like it is time to apply this lesson to my other blog, to eating healthier and a few other areas in my life!

Happy Walking!

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