Monday, July 8, 2024

Day 19, 2024: Grumpy

 I have not worked in July. My job follows the school schedule and school is currently out for the summer.

When I do work, it is typically after school - I am a tutor and most of my tutoring occurs in the afternoon.

I already mentioned that I learned to get up early before my children woke up. (right? There is a previous post on the subject?)

Because my children were early morning risers I got up at 5 am.

I hate getting up at 5 am - especially when the sun is not up. Getting up when it is dark is a crime against humanity... or at least me.

Once my children were older and sleeping in, I got up at 6am. Not a bad time and except in the dead of winter the sun is either up or will rise soon so it doesn't piss me off as much.


June 21st  was my last day working as a summer tutor and using an alarm. It has been heavenly.

I have loved sleeping in. 

Once I slept in until 8am. Score!

I mentioned in a different post that I am not as motivated to get work done when I wake up by the sun.

Well, I got up today by alarm and I have been grumpy.

Grumpy that I got up. 

Grumpy that I went for a walk and it was HOT.

Grumpy that I had to take a shower - I felt humid and sticky and gross.

Grumpy that I have not been any more productive than these past few weeks of sleeping in.

(And yes, I warned my family that I was grumpy today. Everyone is leaving me alone.)

But what I am happy about... or at least grateful about is walking.

I have known for a while I need to get my morning walks back in. It is a great time for my husband and I to chat without worrying about people listening in. It gives a tiny boost of energy and endorphins We have both been told by doctors that walking is the best cardio for us to do. 

I wish I could roll out of bed at 8am and go walking... But where I live with 110 (plus) temperatures it is bad! 

Mentioning doctors and their advice, the rest of my goals all center on doctor recommendations. And it is a long list. 

The goal is to write about that next.

Happy journey!

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