Monday, July 29, 2024

Day 32 - 40, 2024: Too long Between Posts

 Wow! No clue it had been nine days since my last post!

Nine days!

It's not a very good "here is my journey" blog if I go that many days in between posts.

Then again, maybe that is all part of the journey.

Grief Counseling is kicking my mental butt.

Slowly digging myself out of the hole of procrastination and depression takes its toll on me.

Twice last week I took super long naps in the afternoon. Three-hour plus naps. I know that isn't good for me. I know it messes with my bedtime. And yet, it happened. And it will probably happen again.

If napping could be a hobby, it would be my favorite.

I did have one insight this past week.

Using the Side-Tracked Home Executives system of 3x5 cards to keep the house and life running is the same as using an alarm clock to wake up in the morning.

In the book about building trust by Covey, I learned that every time I get up in the morning with the alarm (and not hitting snooze) I am building trust with myself.

It works awesome. If the alarm goes off, I get up. If the alarm doesn't go off, I sleep in without guilt or backsliding. My brain has learned the difference.

I see the cards the same way. 

With enough time to use the card system correctly, I am building trust with myself. Trust that I will take a shower. Trust that I will floss my teeth. Trust that I will get the kitchen clean. Trust that the things I say are important to me, are important to me and I will get them done.

In time, I can teach my brain that when a card is not part of the day's tasks then I don't have to do them...and there will be no guilt or backsliding. My brain can and will learn the difference.

I am excited about this.

How do you build trust with yourself?

Enjoy the journey!

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