Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Day 20 & 21, 2024: Goals

 I have other things on my mind today; however, I want to discuss these goals because they are a part of my journey. And a part of my desire to have radical acceptance.

Over the years, doctors have recommended lifestyle changes, daily practices, or supplements to improve my health. Sometimes I have listened, sometimes not.

Recently, I was diagnosed with EOE (Eosinophilic Esophagitis) and as a result, I can no longer eat dairy and must take Prilosec for the rest of my life.

And then I had my very first kidney stone. It was a doozy - too big to pass and surgery was required. My urologist has advised me to increase my water intake and to eat 7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

I got the message - Time to follow all the doctor's orders.

I then wrote down all the advice I had gotten from a doctor, a tech, or a nurse over the years.

Here is the list:

Teeth: Use sensitive toothpaste; rub Vitamin E on gums at night; wear a retainer nightly, floss; use an electric toothbrush; use Biotin (for dry mouth); and dab a little sensitive toothpaste throughout the day.

Scalp/skin: I use a topical solution the night before I wash my hair to help with the problem. Whatever it is - I can't remember anymore. Sigh. And, of course, wear sunscreen daily. Also, in my 20s I was told to use mineral oil (a tiny bit) on my skin right after I shower. Then dab dry and apply lotion. It helps with dry skin.

Sleep: Create a sleep hygiene schedule, use nose strips (I have mild sleep apnea), and sleep with the upper portion of my bed at an angle.

Back/Posture: Use a foam roller, do the physical therapy exercises, do the back exercises

Sciatic nerve: use a smaller lighter purse; daily stretches for where my sciatic nerve was pinched.

Mental Health: Mantras twice a day; journaling; meditation; mindfulness

Incontinence: yoga, pelvic stretches

Eyes: Eye drops 2x a day; fish oil

Hormones/Perimenopause: birth control pills

Fatigue: Vitamin D, B12, Iron, and daily walking (I usually walk with my husband who was told by his cardiologist to walk 30 minutes daily).

Other: Take Cholesterol medicine daily, Take my blood pressure daily, and take blood pressure medicine daily.

And finally: Drink more water, eat 7 servings of fruit and veggies, and avoid dairy.

Out of this incredibly long list, I am consistent with any medications and supplements I must take. And, maybe, I do 25% of the rest consistently. This is why I focus on adding these things in... slowly. 

Very, very, slowly.

For example, I add one serving a month for fruits and vegetables. Month 1 = 1 serving; Month 2 = 2 servings, etc. I am currently at 5 servings of fruits and vegetables and 5 glasses of water daily. And it is a struggle to get it in. I may be at this number for a while. My rule is: to stay where I am until it is automatic and easy. Something I can do without thinking.

And no, I am not trying to accomplish that entire list today or even this year. 

I chose food, water, sleep hygiene, and personal hygiene as my focus. They seemed the easiest to put into my schedule (or back into my schedule - like showering). 

I use a chart to keep track of what I do each day.

As of right now, I do not reward myself. Unsure how to or if I even want to.

A part of me doesn't want to reward myself because this is stuff I should be doing anyway.

I don't know.

Does anyone else reward themselves?

Have a great day!

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