Thursday, August 1, 2024

Day 41 - 43, 2024: Progress and a little nervous

 I absolutely love using the card system again.

I love the connection between the cards and building trust.

I love my new perspective on hobbies... although... I haven't mentioned that... yet.

And yet, I am nervous.

Nervous that this will all be temporary.

Nervous that I will slide back into being constantly behind and feeling stressed from my procrastination.

My aunt asked me once what I got from my bad habit.

I have no idea.

A momentary high of digging myself out of the hole I dug for myself?

Or... maybe... I am just perpetuating the pattern I was taught.

Or... maybe,,, I have some ADHD tendencies.

Or... maybe... I am simply a broken person trying to repair herself.

Whatever the reason, I can say that I have gotten so much done in the last two weeks and I also gave myself lots of breaks and "me time". 

I could learn to love this life.

Hope you are having a great day!

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