Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 175: 5 days away...

I am striving on this walking/health journey to focus on the journey and not on dates, goals, numbers, etc... but it is really hard to realize that I am only 5 days away from my 6 month mark (approximately).

I find the fact that I have been walking briskly (more or less) for 30 minutes, 6 days a week for (almost) 6 months  is pretty incredible.

I never considered myself an athlete, let alone someone who enjoyed physical exercise...I was the kid who strived to be excused as many days as possible from P.E. (never worked - and I am thankful for that!).

I am NOT an athlete, but I am digging physical exercise. I am enjoying my walks. I am already thinking what can I add to my journey next year or what should be my focus for next year? I am actually thinking about strength training. You know, put the whole theory that women benefit from strength training & they won't put on the bulky muscles. It sounds intriguing and scary - totally out of my comfort zone.

Anyway, mustn't dream to much of the future or I will forget to focus on the present.

And the past says, I can make it to the end. Here's looking to another 5 day journey!

Happy Walking!

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