Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 168: The little things in life...

My oldest daughter has fully embraced the rainbow eating challenge. She has her favorite fruit/veggie for each color...and obviously some colors have multiple favorites. She loves to pick out her fruit & veggies herself - even setting up her own pattern to ensure she gets a good variety in a week.

The one color(s) she struggles in is the blue/purple. Yes, I realize that is two different colors, but these two colors are the hardest for me, so I combined them in the hopes that over time we would find fruits & veggies we actually like.

My daughter has the hardest time with blue/purple - she doesn't like grapes or raisins. Doesn't like blueberries, barely tolerates blackberries. The idea of eggplant or beets just sounds gross to her.

So, we did the only logical thing - bought her favorite fruit (pomegranates) & decided not to worry about blue/purple this week. I did the next logical thing - I found a list of blue/purple fruits & veggies. And guess what? Pomegranates are considered a purple fruit because of the nutrients in them!

My oldest is ecstatic!

I think the rainbow problem is solved for the rest of the summer...does anyone know if pomegranates freeze? Once they are out of season, we are back to square one!

Happy Walking!

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