Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 181: A new way of thinking...

I ran across an article today that talked about being fat, but fit. I think it must be the newest thing the health world is talking about because when I tried to find the article again....I came up with a ton of other articles on the same subject!

The gist of the article I read, said that yes, you can be fat, but fit. The article mentioned the old method of using a height to weight ratio to determine if you are over weight - and why it doesn't really work. It also mentioned using the BMI (body mass index) to determine if you are over weight - and why it doesn't really work. And then finally, the article mentioned a new way of determining if you are over weight - body roundness.

Here is a link to a body roundness calculator (it even gives you your BMI index number). There is even a graphic that updates as you put in the numbers to the calculator.

Here is what I put in:
1) Units - US (so all info was in pounds & inches)
2) Gender - Female (have no idea if gender makes a difference or not)
3) Race - White (again, have no idea if race makes a difference or not)
4) Age - 42 (why does age make a difference?)
5) Height (in) - 62 (I am technically 61.5, but I am rounding up)
6) Weight (lbs) - 148 (technically 147.5, but rounding up)
7) Waist (in) - 35
8) Hips (in) - 41 (I did have the option of not including the hip measurement)

Outcome: Fat: 40.9%; VAT: 2.4%; Total VAT Mass: 3.5lbs; Body Roundness Index: 4.6 (in the healthy zone); and BMI: 27.1 (overweight)  (FYI: VAT is basically belly fat)

(Side note: in a height to weight chart, my numbers look like this:
5'2" - 108lbs (low); 125 (Target); 144 (high)

Obviously, I like the Body Roundness Index - I am healthy! I know from playing around with BMI calculators that I need to be around 135 pounds to be considered within the healthy zone.And I have personally felt my best when I was at 125 lbs. But here is the thing. It doesnt' really matter what any calculator or scale or doctor or the size of my jeans says - I know that I am overweight. Am I healthier than I was 6 months ago? Absolutely...anyone paying attention would realize that I didn't lose any weight in the last 6 months. I am disappointed, but not surprised.

Yet, I feel lighter. I feel healthier. I have more energy. I am sleeping better. I am being more active. I am eating better. Those are things that calculators and scales can't show you.  The size of my pants might be the same, but how they fit me has changed - they fit better. I am more comfortable in my clothes and in my body.

Do I think people can be fat, but fit? Of course! Just like you can be thin and not fit. I am a former skinny person who was not fit. I was just lucky. My luck ran out and now I am not as skinny as I once  was. Do I think I am fat? No. Overweight? yes. Out of shape? yes....but not fat. I just don't see myself that way....now I just need to see myself as fit!

Happy Walking!

1 comment:

  1. Been slacking off and not catching up, but something compelled me to stop by this evening... Interesting! Maybe it will inspire me and others to keep going and stop stressing about those numbers that we know are ideal and sometimes unrealistic, but we see them so they hang over our heads anyway...


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