Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 271: Tonight we got it

Sometimes the relationship is more important the actual event.

Today, my son was having a tough time (probably still recovering from all the relatives visiting last week) and I knew he needed something. My answer is usually work. :) 

My husband knew better. The men stayed home while the women went to kung fu class. My son was a different child when we returned. One short hour with dad and all the problems were solved. (Man, I wish it worked that way for me!!!)

I fully supported this idea, but it was also a reminder that the relationship is more important. Yes, I want to walk and eat healthy - but the relationship is more important.

Maybe that is why I struggle to put new exercise routines in or maintain good eating habits - those things take time and effort...I prefer to put my time and effort somewhere else.

Yet, that is also why I get frustrated and blame everyone else, but myself. The relationship is more important - not the electronics, not the toys, not the games, not the books and not the television. So, if I waste my time doing those things and ignore both the relationship and the self-improvement projects, I get frustrated.

It is a tight rope walk while balancing several spinning plates....some days I get it, some days my husband gets it, and some days we don't. 

Tonight, we got it....and it felt good.

Happy Walking!

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