Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 280: The 9 month mark

Some how the actual 9 month mark slipped past me...but not by much.

It has been 9 months since I have started this journey.

Lessons learned:

1 - Mall walking is better to keep children focused.
2 - Outdoor walking feeds the soul better.
3 - Walking helps maintain my weight.
4 - Walking keeps my energy levels up.
5 - Walking is better when shared.
6 - I need more than just walking so I don't get bored.
7 - I can do hard things!
8 - A fair amount of stubbornness is required when sticking to goals.
9 - Lessons learned from walking - the journey, the struggles, etc. apply to the rest of my life.
10 - I will never lose a lot of weight until I am just as stubborn with my food intake (do I really want to give up cheeseburgers and fries?).

I probably learned more lessons, but that is a pretty good list for today.

I am hopeful my son will have bike riding down by next year, so we can bike as a family in the spring and fall months (there are a lot of great bike trails here). I am hopeful that I can find an affordable pool that offer swim classes in the winter months so we can swim as a family next summer (and I mean swim laps, not just splash). I am hopeful to that my goal to strength train for a year will work as well as walking (just not sure how to work it in...).

Anyway, I have enjoyed my journey thus far and looking forward to the journey continuing.

Happy Walking!

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