Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 348: The Halloween solution

We have a ton of candy left over....a ton.

We didn't get any trick or treaters this year so not only do the children each have too many pounds of candy to count, but our very large silver bowl of give away candy is still completely full.

What is a girl to do?

I could throw the candy away....but that seems wrong.

I could sit down and gorge on candy a few nights in a row and be done with it all....but that also seems wrong (and a little gross).

Or I could learn self control like my children.

Since my children were little, their Halloween candy has been put into a cupboard and doled out a little each day (usually a piece a day). Amazingly my children have never tried to grab some behind my back or negotiate for more candy. Never. Weird right?

They are totally unlike me...I have no self control when it comes to candy. If I have one piece or one small bag or one bite...than I always....always crave more.

I have decided that it is high time I learn the same self control as my children.

My children came up with the following rule for this year (simply because we have so much candy):

One piece of candy after every  meal (except breakfast), every day.

We have been doing this since Friday.

It was really, really, really, hard the first couple of days - I sooooo wanted more chocolate.

Thankfully, I told myself that I could wait for the next piece after snack (or dinner or lunch the next day). I then did something that kept me out of the kitchen (we have too much candy to hide in the cupboard so it is either on the counter or in the fridge [we like chocolate in the fridge]).

I am no longer craving more candy after I have my one piece. I am no longer having to avoid the kitchen. In fact, I am not even thinking about the candy at all. When I have a meal, I grab a piece of candy. It has become a kind of "no big" deal thing. This is pretty cool.

Maybe over time I can wean myself down to one piece of candy a day and then one every other day and then one a week....ooh, the possibilities!

But I am getting ahead of myself - for now, I am happy that I can have my candy and not have the cravings!

Happy Walking!

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