Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 349: Adjustments

If life were a destination than it would be easy to get from point A to point B....I am guessing point A is birth and point B is death? Hmmm....no wonder the saying is "life is not a destination, but a journey."

Since life is a journey, point A is not birth but the pre-existence and point B is not death, but the hereafter (or heaven).

Realizing that life is journey that encompasses everything from conception to death than it would make sense that adjustments must be made (we usually use the dreaded word "change").

Before I started my year of walking (and blogging), I had the (wrong) notion that if I started a project or had a goal that it must be done correctly, perfectly and seen through to the end (sometimes bitter end).

Now, I have a better sense that when we start a project or have a goal, it is merely a pointer...a type of direction marker. I want to lose weight. That is a worthy goal, but that is merely a direction marker to something much bigger in my life: good health, longevity, better posture, restful nights, etc....

My life, as a journey, picks up those destination stickers you see on suitcases (Paris, London, New York, etc..). My current life has the sticker of "walker", "Kung Fu student", dancer (so long ago....), volleyball player (another old one), etc...

And sometimes, just like a journey, adjustments must be made as you head toward the final destination (since Heaven is the final destination in this analogy, my adjustment is more to help get me closer to the "big" direction marker: good health).

My current adjustment is that I will not be walking every day the last few weeks of my journey. I have strived to do it every day since starting school - it was easier when the weather was nice and the children rode their bikes, but now....driving to the mall is taking up to much time. I need to focus on other important goals: my son's reading skills, my daughter's spelling skills,  my other daughter's math skills. We need to focus on the house getting cleaned and decluttered (we are in limbo once again with my husband's job). I need to focus on helping my son achieve his goal of earning his Arrow of Light and my daughter working on Personal Progress.

All of these things are worth my time and attention...and there are only so many hours in a day.

So, from here until Thanksgiving day, I will be walking 2 days a week and practicing Kung Fu 4 days a week. My oldest daughter wants to be better at Kung Fu and she struggles to find time to practice on her own. Since walking counts as PE, I decided that Kung Fu will count as well.

I feel conflicted with my decision. A part of me feels that I am quitting close to the finish line. Another part of me feels that I am merely "tweaking" and there for am still meeting my goal. However anyone sees it, the bottom line is that walking did a lot to help improve my health and weight, but did not achieve all the goals (I didn't lose a ton of weight, nor did I lose a lot of inches). I am pretty sure that truly being a well -rounded healthy person takes small portions, eating slowing, eating healthy foods 80% of the time, being well rested, cardio, strength training, and improving flexibility.

That is why next year I am adding in strength training. One reason why I see Kung Fu as part of the bigger picture/plan/goal.

Hopefully no one will think less of me as I continue with this adjustment. I plan on writing each day.

Happy Walking!

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