Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 18: Gratitude

As I mentioned yesterday I have become to negative. Negativity is a disease and the only cure is gratitude. Having a realistic or optimistic outlook only comes through gratitude. Having a happy disposition, a sunny outlook on life, to enjoy the simple things, to be satisfied with the life you are currently living only comes through gratitude.

You can argue all you want with me, but I am firm in this belief.

My life right now is not that bad. I am living in the largest home of my married life, we live on a quiet and safe neighborhood, our home is filled with friends and neighbors visiting, Steve has the shortest commute in our married life (working from home does not count) and yet, I am negative.

I am negative about everything. The house is too big to clean. The kitchen is too small to easily prep for meals and to store non-perishable items, the fridge is too loud, the walls are too gray and the curtains are too brown (making for a dark home), um, anyway, you get the point.

I haven't mentioned one thing that is worth really being upset about. I know I have lived in worse homes (Saipan anyone?). I know I have been poorer and unable to fix things. I know I (or family members) have been very some cases requiring hospitalization.

Truly, I should have no complaints. Yet, I complain.

I don't want to dwell on the negativity...I could seriously go on for hours (or pages).

Instead, I want to focus on gratitude...which is so hard to do when you are use to seeing the glass half empty, but so easy once you count your blessings (and often!).

My Blessings:
1 - Steve. Steve is an amazingly patient husband. He loves me despite my crankiness in the morning and my lack of cooking skills and...well, this isn't about me. He works hard to not only provide for our family, but to balance his life to ensure quality time with each one of us individually and as a family. I find him a great role model for moderation in all things. He seems to always know when to play, when to work, when to rest and who needs him the most.
2 - My children. I should really break these out, but... I am thankful the Lord blessed me with 3 beautiful children. I am thankful He blessed me with the means to stay home with my children and enjoy them to the fullest. I am thankful for K's desire to share books with me. We have such a good time discussing the different books we are reading. I am thankful for Z's desire that everyone gets their fair share - be it candy or time with mom. He will happily decline time with me if no one else will be able to have some time with me. But he also strives to ensure that we always have time together. I am thankful for S's desire to be with me. It doesn't matter if it is cuddling, reading, cooking or playing together. She just really wants to be with me...which I truly find amazing!
3 - My home. We have a very old home, built in 1925. It is cute and it has personality. The best part is our landlord and her father (our handyman). They do a great job of fixing the minor repairs that pop up in an old house. Our house is in an old neighborhood that has a ton of character - along with a ton of trees. Also, our home has heating, cooling and running water!
4 - My car. My van is old...well, old for me. I have had it for 7 1/2 years. We bought it used. It is reliable, it fits all of us, it has heating and cooling. It is comfortable. It has enough room that we can take extra passengers. It has been across the country twice now and it is still going strong.
5 - The gospel. I am thankful for parents who raised me in the LDS church. I am thankful for the relationship I have with my savior, Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the atonement and what that means for me personally and for my family. I am thankful for the spirit I feel as I study my scriptures and sing the hymns. I am thankful I can bear my testimony, pay tithing, attend church and serve those around me. I am even thankful for being in cub scouts and working with some really great boys.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great what gratitude can do for a grumpy attitude?!?


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