Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 24: Problems & goals

This morning was an interesting mix of determination and learning to go with the flow. Going with the flow is something I don't always do well. On the surface it may look like I am calm about the sudden change in (my) plans, but underneath I am in turmoil...hmm...maybe I am more like a river than I realized!

Here are the list of "problems" that I faced at 6am (as I write this I realize the problems were not really problems, but at 6am the items felt like problems):

1. Car full of Toys for Tot toy donations.
2. Steve's car full of Christmas and birthday presents that needed to be wrapped before he left for his date with K.
3. Rain.
4. Sore hip/lower back.
5. An icky feeling (due to gas...gosh, full disclosure is sometimes embarrassing).

The goal:

1. Walk for 30 minutes

The result:

1. I rearranged my schedule from the moment I jumped (well, stumbled bleary eyed) out of bed.
2. All problems resolved and all goals met.

How I did it:

1. Wrapped gifts before anyone else was awake in the house (just barely made it too!)
2. Did some simple stretches for my hip & lower back. (more on that another day)
3. Chose to walk at the house instead of the mall. This was kind of interesting because the house is not quite large enough to walk laps without getting completely bored. Sometimes I think a treadmill would be nice, but I don't want to spend the money on one! The reason I chose to do this was it eliminated the problem of toys in the van & dealing with the rain (no, I won't melt, but I also didn't want to get cold & wet.), but to also try out the feasibility of walking in the house. I know at some point this winter the snow & ice will force me to stay home - on those days I still want to get my walk in.
4. I alternated between walking in place & walking laps on the main floor for 15 minutes. My son happily encouraged me by pushing against me as I walked in place (he called it strength training) and blocking off different routes to force me to find alternate paths for my laps (not sure why he did this, but he was laughing like crazy the whole time).
5. I then ate a small meal & showered. I was hoping it would help me feel better, which it did.
6. I again alternated between walking in place & walking laps for 15 minutes, but this time the laps were on the 2nd level (and my son did not help me).

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading your posts out of order--this one answers the question about the treadmill. :)


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