Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 40: It's A Wonderful Life

When is the last time you watched the original "It's A Wonderful Life" starring Jimmy Stewart? I watched it tonight with my family - we own the original in black & white.

I have loved this film forever....well, since the very first time I ever saw it; which was so long ago I don't even remember the first time I saw it!

Steve had never seen it before and agreed to watch it tonight. He loved it - which I knew he would. The children loved it - which I knew they would. I cried - which I knew I would.

I love watching this movie close to the new year because it reminds me to be grateful for my life, count my blessings and look forward to a future rich with friends and family.

Since I am human, I have no way of knowing how my life has touched the lives of others. A kind word or deed. A much needed phone call or letter. Maybe just a smile or a friendly hello. I really have no idea...yet, I know how others have touched my  life.

I know how important kind words, sincere compliments and thank you cards have meant to me over the years. I know how important emails, phone calls & text messages have been. I know how much an invitation to dinner or girls night out or a play date for my children was needed and appreciated. I know there have been many angels (seen & unseen) in my life. I am thankful for all of them.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have the same opportunity George Bailey had - to see life as it would be if I had never been born. What would change or be different? But deep down, down where it really counts. I don't really want to see that alternate life - a life that doesn't have me married to Steve. A life where my 3 children wouldn't exist. I would not like that life.

So, instead, I will do the next best thing and perhaps the whole point of the movie...count my blessings, live my values and be a friend to all.

It IS a wonderful life!

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, I miss you! You've made a difference in my life.


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