Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 21: A nice surprise

K finally got a picture of Z being led past the "danger" in the mall (which you can read here). If you look close you can see Z has one of his eyes slightly open...I had a feeling he was peeking whenever I tried to snap a picture! He does, however, have his head turned away from the offending store.

We have been walking at the mall for almost 3 weeks now and the others walkers have taken notice.

At first it was just quizzical looks and polite smiles, then it moved onto a friendly nod or a quick "good morning."

I knew we had become a some what permanent part of the walking crowd when some of the other walkers started asking questions. My favorite was from an older gentleman that just bluntly asked me how the children could stay out of school for so long. I, of course, explained that we home school. Ever since that conversation, this gentleman takes the time to chat with us and I frequently hear him tell other walkers that we are home schoolers (normally he is retelling our conversation with great gusto).

Everyone, so far, has been friendly, kind to the children and politely interested in our homeschool P.E./walk.

Today, today, I knew that many more people have been quietly watching us and more than likely forming some opinions.

There is one area of the mall where the majority of the walkers hang out (either before or after walking) and that is the food court. Today, as the children and I walked the perimeter of the food court, a gentleman (probably around my age) stopped me to let me know that he admired what I was doing.

I don't remember his exact words, but basically he admired what I was doing, admired what I was doing with the children...having them walk and get some physical exercise, not letting them be plugged into electronics, homeschooling them and reading to them.

I politely thanked him. I might have said more, but I was, honestly, surprised - flattered, pleased, happy, but surprised as well. How could he possibly admire me for all those things when all I do is walk for 30 minutes and then let the children play for 30 minutes?

I finally figured it out this afternoon. None of us wear ipods or other music playing devices while we walk. We walk & talk and the children make up games (like hopscotch across the different colored tiles). If a child does not want to run around and play then I read out loud to them the book that I am currently reading. And, of course, I have told several walkers (not the gentleman who gave me the wonderful compliment) that I home school and I consider the mall walking our P.E.

I am very thankful that my children are well behaved in public. I am thankful that thus far we have put forth a positive image of home schoolers. I am thankful for the many people who have chosen to chat with us as we walk around the mall. I am thankful for the compliment today - it was a boost I very much needed - a gentle "lift-me-up" to help me continue on my journey. And, I am thankful to know that I am being quietly watched & admired for doing what seems like a "not a big deal" to me.

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