Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 132: Sleep tight...

Perhaps it isn't cabin fever creeping in...sigh....massive headache today.

It could be a cold, but it doesn't feel like a cold. It is probably sinuses or allergies...either way, I feel terrible.

Yet, despite how I feel, I walked & I stretched. I drank a ton of water & I even took a nap.

I feel pretty strongly that I need to be as consistent with my bedtime as I am with my children's. If I need to be getting enough sleep each night. I can tell that this is the next part of this walking journey.

I walk because of the challenge from my doctor. I stretch so I can walk. I drink water because as I walk & stretch I have become more aware of my dehydration. Now, I need to get enough sleep. The more I walk, stretch & drink water the more I am aware that I am running on to low of sleep - which is never good for me. I am one of those 8 hours or more kind of girls. Always have been.

Here is too a good night's sleep! Happy Walking!

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