Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 142: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 16

1. A husband who encourages me to spend money on myself - I always feel so spoiled! In all honesty, if I was a person who was constantly spending money then Steve would probably feel differently, but I can be a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to spending money on myself. I bought 4 pairs of pants, 2 shoes and a new top this week. Steve's response? cool, but that was it? wonderful!

2. My children. They are pretty wonderful people. So many times they amaze me with what they know or remember. I love how they make connections. Each personality is unique and yet they can be so similar. Just amazing.

3. A year that seems to be flying by instead of dragging. I know this feeling is 100% related to my outlook on life, but wow! I can't believe it already April! 2013 feels bigger, brighter and better than last year.

4. The wonders of modern medicine. Too many days & nights this past week that I needed NyQuil or Aspirin or a cough drop. Seriously, what did people do before all this stuff was invented?

5. The simple pleasure of a slumber party. Monday night Z and I had a slumber party for his birthday. We watched t.v. and ate ice cream, it was fun. Tonight I am having a slumber party with S - part of her Christmas present from me: a monthly slumber party. Every time I get the privilege of having a slumber party I am thankful my children still want to do these silly things with me - I am well aware there will come a day that it just won't happen. That will be a sad day.

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