Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 150: More Gratitude?

So, I woke up this morning ready to conquer the world...or at least my house, my habits & anything else I could think of.

I did pretty good too - I got the majority of the house picked up & straightened (so much so that Steve and my son exclaimed at the difference when they got home from running errands). I got several loads of laundry done. I even managed to cook a pretty good dinner. Between Steve and I we have a pretty good portion of the basement carpet dried out and cleaned (and boy did it need it!).

Then, just when I thought it was safe to sigh in relief...Steve noticed water running down the wall in our first floor bathroom; which happens to be directly under the 2nd floor bathroom. I happened to be taking a shower at the time. Sigh.

So, a part of me wants to scream in frustration - my mother-in-law is coming for a visit & I am not sure we will have the problem fixed in time. Another part of me is so thankful for a flooded basement. Why? Well, Steve is not usually on the first floor bathroom while I am showering, but tonight because he is working in the basement he was running up & down the stairs a lot which caused him to go past the 1st floor bathroom and thus seeing the mess my shower was creating.

So yeah, thankful for a flooded basement. Thankful my husband was in the right place at the right time. Thankful that every time something busts in the basement our friend, Chris, is away on a trip -  makes it so much easier to fix the problems when he is not living down there.

But I would really be more thankful if the problems would kind of stop & just go away. :) I guess with a house that was built in 1925, that is not going to happen - I mean we are like, what, 12 years away from this house being a 100 years old? I have also lost all "romantic" notions about living in an old house instead of a new build. :)

Ah well, just another day in the journey of life!

Happy Walking!

1 comment:

  1. In an attempt to be positive, my parents built their house in 1972. Things started going wrong and by then, they were older, Dad was getting sicker... and granted now my brothers help Mom out A LOT, but when things go wrong, it's hard for her, sometimes, to wait for them to have time. If the wrong thing goes wrong, who is going to be there to turn off the water? Mom's okay, but she's not as young as she used to be.

    So, if you build a new house, it gets old eventually, too, and by then you're older and more fragile. Little consolation, I'm sure, but there's no way to really win, eh? We just deal with what we have. :)


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