Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 208: Happy Food Day!!!!

I had dinner plans for tonight so decided to try something different - eat super healthy all day long & then indulge in only 1 item at the restaurant.

Normally when I eat out (especially a nice place), I watn to eat everything - a salad, an appetizer, the main entree and a dessert. Sure, I take some home, but I still eat way to much.

Today, I had my normal breakfast (oatmeal, fruit & toast w/ PB), a salad for lunch, yogurt w/ Raisin Bran for a snack. Super healthy (for me), plus fairly "light".

For dinner, I opted for the lasagna - my favorite Italian dish - and only ate half. No dessert. No salad. One small toasted bread lightly dipped in oil and 2  full glasses of water.

Why do I mention all this?

1 - I ate healthy all day, so I don't feel bad  about the choice I made for dinner.
2 - Because I chose to focus on my favorite item (and only eat half of it), I enjoyed every aspect of my dinner - including the "normal" feeling afterwards instead of the "overstuffed" feeling.
3 - I think that is the kind of balance I need every day with my meals. Eat healthy the majority of the day, when I do indulge - indulge small. Maybe, just maybe with that kind of balance then the not-so-fun nor pleasant digestive incident will become a thing of the past.

Anyway, I am super excited for my happy food day. It feels like an accomplishment. :)

Happy Walking!

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