Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 343 & 344: Happy Halloween!

As I stated earlier this week the dreaded temptation of Halloween candy is upon me.

Actually, I am kind of glad for the opportunity to work on self-control and self-discipline.

It takes discipline and dedication to walk every day (especially on a cold & snowy day). I think eating healthier takes the same sort of discipline and dedication - I just haven't been willing to do it in the past.

I am starting to think most effort (if not all effort) takes the same sort of discipline and dedication.

Hmmm....something to ponder as I resist the chocolate calling to me.

Happy Walking!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 342: Temptation begins....

I am a junk-aholic...I love junk food.

I love french fries. I love cheeseburgers. I love grilled cheese sandwiches. I love pizza. I love cheese breadsticks. I love donuts. I love chips. I love root beer. I love ice cream. I love chocolate. I love candy.

I know I love these things. I know I am a is far better to never take a bite (or sip), than to attempt to take just one bite (or sip) is almost an impossibility for me to show any kind of self restraint.

I admit this freely. I hang my head in shame over my weakness...but it is a truth. I love junk food.

If I don't buy it, I won't eat it. If I can hide what is bought (in the freezer, in a high cupboard or in the back of the pantry) than I will forget it about it (out of sight - out of mind).

If the offending item sits on my counters or in my fridge than I will constantly crave it. The more I fight the crave, the more I want it. Take a bite to satisfy the craving....I want more. This is a very serious problem. very serious.

Most of the year I can keep a handle on this loss of self-control....and then....Halloween comes. Yup, my old nemesis, Halloween.

The candy is everywhere in my home. It calls to me often. I strive to rid my house of all candy on Halloween night just to end the nightmare, but alas, my children bring more into the house!

I have, over the years, learned to control myself if the candy is in a bag or bowl that has been labeled with someone's name. My brain understands "this is not yours, do not crave." Sigh. Why does that not work with the "no-man's" candy?

We went to church for trunk or treating tonight (the nightmare begins early this year!). I will not touch my children's candy, but the chocolate...the candy....that is left over and ready to give our Halloween night beckons to me....calling me.

I must resist. I must find a way this year to overcome my struggle. My love for all things junk. I must.

Happy Walking!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 341: Reprieve!

It actually got a tad bit warmer today, so after lunch we rode bikes (the children rode bikes, I walked) to a bike trail close to our house.

Z did a great job going through a tunnel and over a bridge - he is always a bit nervous to new experiences, but he loved going down hill!

I think we ended up being outside for an was so nice.

Totally have to grab those days when we can.

Happy Walking!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 340: Day of Rest

Had a great day of relaxing with my children, helping my son with scouts and going to church.
I love Sundays when they are like this.

Happy Walking!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 339: Jazzed up

I am jazzed up.

I am not doing anything different. Not adding anything new in. Not taking anything old out.

I did, however, have a shift in thinking. Nothing awe inspiring, just plain old common sense:

"Do something is better than do nothing; my something is better than nothing; my success is based on my improvement...and "most improved" is a good means you are improving."

Walk at the mall, walk in the neighborhood, spend 5 minutes in between subjects running stairs, riding bikes, practicing Kung Fu, eating off the kid's menu, sleeping at is all good. It is my good because it works with my schedule, my life, my habits and hopefully, one day, it will get the weight off. In the meantime, I am improving each and every day.

When I was younger, every class I took I was the "most improved" student. I hated being the most I want to embrace it. I didn't appreciate what the teachers were actually saying to me. I heard: not good enough; what they meant: you have come really far, keep it up!

Hehehehehe, I guess it is better late than never to figure that out!

So, yeah, I am jazzed up. Jazzed up to be me and to do things my way.

Happy Walking!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 338: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 44

1. Halloween costumes are done! I started the project, got help from my friend Syndy and my friend Karen finished them up & made the outfits oh, so perfect. Long story, but the basics: my machine died and my two friends pitched in by letting me use their homes, their machines and their talents. I am just so excited the children are already for the Halloween fun (which actually starts Monday night for us).
2. Mall walking. Who knew I would be thankful after my whining about it earlier this week! Yet, walking there this morning was so nice. It was like being home - it was comfortable, it was warm (pretty important) and mall walking makes me push myself. It was good to be back.
3. Slightly warmer weather....high 50s. Hopefully it will stay like that tomorrow so my oldest and I can ride bikes. A request I should have filled many weekends ago.
4. Listening to my husband and son on speaker phone with my son's friends while they try for umpteen number of hours trying to get the two computers to talk to each other so my son and his friend can play Minecraft together. (yes, that was a run on sentence). I am thankful my husband was willing to help out and I am thankful my son got some "on-line" play with his friend.
5. For early morning hours of quietly reading General Conference talks. I love the quiet solitude, but I love inviting the spirit into my home first thing....just sets the tone so nicely for the rest of the day.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 337: Let the mall walking begin!

Quick update tonight.

It is very, very, very cold outside - even the natives are saying winter came much to early and much to cold this year. (lucky me.)

The Halloween costumes are done thanks to the help of some great friends.

Officially starting the mall walking tomorrow.  Walking at home and/or out in the cold is just not cutting it.

Happy Walking!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 336: Brain overload!

This should really be an uplifting post....something positive...something encouraging...

Can't do it today. I am totally wiped out and all I did was sew all day!

I am making Halloween costumes. My sewing machine broke. I spent 5 hours at a friends house using her sewing machine (and her help) to get the majority of the costumes done (all I have left is hand sewn items).

I am tired.

I will do better tomorrow. Tonight...I sleep.

Happy Walking!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 335: Why do we forget?

Why, do we as humans, forget our dreams? or better....why do we stop striving after we have reached our dreams?

I really do not understand why we do that.

I have admitted in the past that my guilty pleasure is watching the reality show about the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. This week one of the veterans got cut because of poor attitude, too much weight gain and no improvement in dancing (actually she slid in her dance ability). This is a young woman who professed this was her dream - to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. She did it for one year, forgot how stiff the competition is and decided to coast? I just don't get it.

I don't get it when football players (professional) do not work out and practice in the off season. I don't get it when singers, actors or anyone else stops working at the thing that brings them a paycheck or the thing they profess is their dream. I don't get it.

I guess I don't get it because I don't have that big of dreams? Or maybe because I have always had to work hard for the things I can do? Or maybe....and really, I am sure this is the truth, I fall down in other areas, but just don't realize it? (but that is a different post for a different day.)

I get nervous that the closer I get to my one year deadline I will drop the ball and stop walking. It got very cold this week (tried to snow today!), I really have to convince myself that the thing to do is get up and go to the mall. I didn't think it was going to be that hard once the time came, but it is. I want to stay home where it is nice and warm. Sigh. I just remind myself that this is my goal and the children's P.E. - it is important. (Maybe tomorrow won't be quite so hard to go and do.)

Happy Walking!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 334: Track

I don't remember if I mentioned getting really sick last week while practicing Kung Fu, but I have been thinking about that a lot.

Every time I have started any kind of exercise program something always happens to me - I get sick, I pull a muscle or things in my life - like the bed bug wars.

I've often thought it was the universes way of saying, "It's not your time to get in shape! Focus on the children!"

Right or wrong, that is how I have felt.

I realize now that it is just my challenge. Figuring out how to exercise is a challenge for me. I am totally impressed with friends who have more children than I do and still exercise. I am impressed with friends who are single mothers and still exercise. I am impressed with friends who have health issues and still exercise.

Me? I have 3 children, I home school and I am healthy and I struggle to exercise. Weird, right?

But actually, it isn't so weird. We all have struggles. My friends who find time to exercise struggle in different areas - I am just not privy to those struggles. I am only privy to my struggles.

Walking is no longer a struggle, but it was in the beginning. As I practice Kung Fu more it will no longer be a struggle - even if I get sick. When I start strength training, I will probably struggle...a lot. Strength training is something I have actively avoided. :)

Tonight in Kung Fu, Sifu showed us the different levels of learning - 12 student levels and 12 teacher levels...that is a lot of levels. To earn the top would take a life time of studying, practicing and a lot of dedication. Probably a lot of struggles too. My Sifu is at a level 5, teacher. I honestly can't figure out what else he needs to learn.

I guess I kind of see my struggle with exercise like that. I am at a student level 1 for Kung Fu, for walking and all other forms of exercise. My friends who seem to get it in despite the things in their life or just at a higher level than I am...with patience and practice I can get their too. Not competing against them, just trying to improve myself and move myself up the track.

Happy Walking!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 332 & 333: Chicago Trip with Kiddos

We decided to take a weekend trip to Chicago before it got bitterly cold. :)

The children had a great time. Since this blog is suppose to be about walking....let me just say, it is so nice to be home!

Okay, but seriously, the children walked up and down The Magnificent Mile (and then some) like troupers. Of course, being children, they managed to find their energy at the end of the day to go I miss that kind of metabolism!

They also spent about 5 hours at aquarium (mostly walking)....again, they were troupers. Never complained, even found some extra energy for a small playground close to the parking garage.

However, I can tell the weekend wore them out a bit - they slept really well last night and they were more than ready to head to bed tonight.

Me? I am tired, but handled all the walking just fine.

Looking forward to bed, but am sitting up late to do laundry - no desire for a second bed bug war.... :)

Happy Walking!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 331: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 43

1. Cold days that coincide with sick children so I have a built in excuse to have lots of reading days. I love snuggling down with the children and just reading all day long. My throat is a tad hoarse, but I still loved every minute of this week.
2. Our home filled with the sound of laughter.
3. My son climbing to the very top of a climbing apparatus at that Children's museum - this climbing thing is suspended over the first floor. You start on the second floor and climb up to the third floor - it is crazy. Z did it today....lots and lots of times. His older sister figured out how to inspire him (but I have a feeling overcoming his fear of bike riding earlier this month helped a bit too).
4. K having the opportunity to babysit & loving it. A friend from church asked her to babysit Thursday afternoon for a few hours. What a boon to K's confidence, plus she did a great job. All the children loved her.
5. Getting to chat on the phone with my mom. It is never long enough, but I always love it.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 330: Sick

Has anyone gotten sick while in the midst of a work out?

A couple of days of go I got dizzy (which makes me feel sick in the head) while attempting "flip overs" for Kung Fu - but I totally expected that. I don't have the best equilibrium and get motion sickness really easily.

This morning, I was practicing punches (first thing in the morning) and all of sudden knew I was going to be sick...sadly that is exactly what happened. Sigh.

Steve thinks it was because I was exercising on an empty stomach. I guess that could be the case, but really? from punches? I mean, I am standing in one spot and punching with both arms over and over again...not exactly exhausting work, but...I don't know...maybe that was more than enough for my stomach?

Hmm....I guess I will need to eat a "light" snack before punching! Weird.

Happy Walking!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 329: Kung Fu

The longer I am taking Kung Fu the more I want to be good at it.

I really hate being a wuss. Oh, I am not beating myself up - I am a wuss. The slightest thing can hurt me...or at least I think it can (which is actually a big difference).

I enjoy sparring. I enjoy moving my hands, arms, legs, feet in the desperate attempt to keep from being hit. I don't like getting hit. Did I mention I am a wuss?

Yet, when I get hit now (and I do realize that I am not getting hit with the full force of any one's punches....well, maybe my children's) instead of stopping to stay "that hurts!" or shout "Ouch!" or even cry - I suck it up and keep going!

It is a very empowering feeling. I can take pain. True, not a ton of pain - not the Die Hard kind of pain, but I can take some pain and keep going.

I guess that is why I want to get better. That is why I practice the same moves over and over again each morning - I want that muscle memory. I want to spar without having to think about what to do next. I want to get good enough that I don't get hurt.

And that is a good thing.

Happy Walking!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 328: Rainy Days

Rainy days...gotta love them. Actually, I do love them, just not for walking outside. I walked inside the house and worked really hard on my Kung Fu - I feel like I got a good work out in.

I know going back to the mall is going to happen - probably sooner than later, but darn it, I am not ready for mall walking. I just really enjoy being outside with my children. I enjoy seeing them ride their bikes (with me desperately trying to keep up). I have really been enjoying the sunshine - perfect walking weather; not to hot, not to cold....just right.

Okay, enough whining about the eventual coldness and mall walking...from now on, nothing but positive things to say about that!

Happy Walking!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 327: Just Keep Swimming!

Weather is finally changing - actually nippy in the air today.

Children coming down with colds and sore throats.

Not complaining, just stating some facts.

This is how the journey goes. Sometimes we are sailing - healthy and great weather. Other times we are sinking - not so healthy and not so great weather.

Either scenarios: Just Keep Swimming! (Or walking or moving or working or playing or learning)

The journey will go up and down, our efforts may go up and down, but us? We just keep moving forward - heading in the right direction and doing all we can.

Happy Walking!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 326: Sunday

Another great day with the family. It is only early evening and I am already looking forward to walking tomorrow morning. So different from a year ago when I really had to force myself a lot of mornings (after the initial excitement of a new project wore off).

Hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday.

Happy Walking!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 325: Had a feeling...

So, I woke up this morning with a feeling that I better get my walk in first thing - before doing anything else.

This was weird because my plan for today was to take my girls out for a long bike ride. My husband and son were headed to a cub scout launch in the afternoon and I wanted to do something fun with the girls.

I listened to the feeling, I walked before doing anything else.

Good thing I did, turns out we couldn't go out for a long bike ride because we had very rainy weather. Instead, we stayed in and watched funny YouTube videos (something I rarely do).

Man, I am glad I had that feeling!

Happy Walking!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 324: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 42

1. Today. The whole day - start to finish. We worked (cleaned the upstairs, did yard work -all as a family), we played (we are in the middle of a "late over"), we watched TV/movies, we rode our bikes, we read books (we are currently reading Ender's Game out loud to the children), and we have spent the whole day as a family. It has been great. Great weather too!

2. Friends. Tomorrow I get to have a conference call with 3 of my best friends (we have been friends since college). Tonight, a friend dropped off some home made lasagna (she remembered me saying that lasagna was my favorite food, but nobody in my family likes it so I don't get it very often). Monday, a friend helped me make some hats for the our Halloween costumes (she will help me again this coming Monday). Friends are great...and sometimes I am served, sometimes I do the serving (not so much this week...) and sometimes we serve others together.

3. A clean basement. Seriously. My brain feels better. My house feels better. I am happier. I love having a clean, straight, and organized basement....I actually like having my whole house like that, but that takes time!

4. Summer like weather in the fall - how nice is that! I know the winter will come, but I am enjoying every moment of this warmer weather - the sun, the blue skies, the warm temperatures...all of it.

5. My children. Not only did they work hard and play hard today, but they chose to do yard work while playing a "talking" game outside. They love to make up stories - a kind of exaggerated round robin. As my oldest explained to me, "This is a talking game and we didn't want our hands to get bored, so we clipped all the ivy instead." Yes, my yard has been over run with some kind of vine. I am guessing ivy, but don't really know. It is every where and wrapping itself around everything. My children made a huge dent in it...all while playing. So very cool.

Happy Walking!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 323: Challenge

How do you know when you are ready for the next challenge?

I wish I knew the answer to that question, maybe it would help me to constantly challenge myself.

As it is, I have been observing my son because I am challenging him this year (our theme is: I can do hard things).

Before my son started to learn how to ride a bicycle he had a lot of "loose" energy that he didn't seem able to control. Most of his energy was usually aimed at his two sisters and not always in the best way. As he was learning how to ride all that "loose" energy seemed to disappear. He seemed happier. He was certainly behaving a lot nicer toward his sisters and he was very willing to do the every day stuff with me, with school and with the family.

This week my son has a lot of "loose" energy. It is mostly aimed at his sisters, but he is also "fighting" the every day stuff. Is it a coincidence that his ability to ride a bicycle has increased dramatically? All he  is "working" on now is building muscles and better control, but for all intents and purposes my son knows how to ride a bike.

I am now wondering if it is time to hit him with the next challenge - reading. He can read. He doesn't like it. He is below his reading level, but he can read. I feel this is one of those "hard things" he needs to do this year. He is well aware of this. Not sure if he is looking forward to it or not, but he is aware of it.

I am hoping that he is being challenged by reading that his "loose" energy will be used up again. I guess only time will tell.

I am thinking I need to apply this same idea to my girls and to myself. What attributes do we exhibit when we are ready for the next challenge?

More specifically, for me, when I am ready for the next hard physical exercise. Walking did get very easy - when exactly did that happen and what should I have done when I noticed? Will the same thing happen with Kung Fu? With strength training when I start that up in November?

I thinking challenging ourselves is a good thing. I think it keeps us moving forward.

Happy Walking!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 322: Take on the world

I woke up this morning feeling like I could take on the world! Despite the fact that I have been sleeping horribly and am so incredibly sore from Kung Fu.

Normally when I am tired and/or sore I take it easy. This week, I have been pushing myself to do the everyday stuff even though it is hard...maybe that is why I feel I can take on the world despite being tired and sore?

The feeling is also a little when is the other shoe going to drop and I feel like I am struggling again?

I know part of the journey is to enjoy it...

I should enjoy this feeling. I should bask in the knowledge that I have a clean basement - yup, that is right, a clean, organized and ready to go basement. I love it! I should be happy that I am sore because that means I am moving and I am alive! I should enjoy the desire to do more and perhaps I should act on it.

Here is to another great day!

Happy Walking!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 321: Sore, but good!

Woke up this morning incredibly sore - I guess I used more muscles in sparring than I realized! I even have a few bruises - one on my thigh hurts pretty bad.

What I wanted to do was lay around all day and not move a muscle. What I did instead was do all the physical work in the morning.

The physical work - walking around the neighborhood, cleaning out the basement, weeding the yard - was my hard thing today. I knew if I didn't get it done first thing this morning it just wouldn't happen. My children were great at the adjusted schedule. We managed to have a pretty productive day.

Me? I feel good that I did something that was hard for me, but mostly I am looking forward to bed. :)

Happy Walking!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 320: All in good fun

We did more sparring in Kung Fu class tonight....ooooh, some children got made at one another.....

When sparring, accidental hits are going to happen. That is just the way it works, but children - especially siblings - have a tough time remembering that.

Let's just say that some hits were an accident and some hits were more of the revenge kind. As for me? I got popped in the eye, the nose and a lot on the side (arms and legs). Thankfully the only place bruised is my thigh.

Getting hurt was my main reason for never taking a martial arts class in the past (especially when all of my siblings were taking one). Now? I want to be tough for my children. They need to learn that pain is not always a bad thing. Took me a long time to figure that out. I also don't want my girls to ever be in a situation where they can't defend themselves.

Happy Walking!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 319: Another week

Not much to share today. No great insights. No theories or secret wishes. Just rested today - pondered and contemplated much, but nothing worth announcing to the world (or at least publicly on my blog).

Tomorrow will be another day and a start of another week. I will strive to meet all my goals. I will wonder where the time went at the end of each day. I will wonder if I am spending my time wisely and some how the week will finish.  Will I be closer to my goals? Will I be enjoying the journey? Will I recognize my shortcomings and make the course corrections necessary? Will I remember to be thankful? Will I remember that love trumps all?

I guess that is why life is a journey and not a destination.

Happy Walking!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 318: Silly Wishes

I had dinner with some friends recently (I love getting some grown up girl time) and the conversation took an unusual turn - wishes.

We didn't dwell on this topic long, in fact, we each shared just one wish and that was it.

Since I don't have permission to share my friends wishes, I will only share mine: to be in the same shape as a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader.

I know, silly, right?

I don't want to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader (although, when I was in junior high, I had dreams of being on a drill team for one school and actually was a cheerleader for a different school. I think I would have been a cute cheerleader....but I digress.), I don't want to look like a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader (I am not into the fashionista look), but I do want their stamina, their flexibility, their kicks, their splits, their spirit, their heart, their hard work, their dancing abilities...yeah, I want to be just like a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader.

Why them? Well, why not! They are America's sweethearts (not sure if they named themselves that or if someone else has). They have their own reality tv show (which I am obviously admitting to watching). I actually have a past connection with them...although they wouldn't remember - you see, I was in grade school and had the honor of writing to the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders asking for a donation for our school's auction. They sent a signed picture. I was so excited to get a response! (No, I have no idea who bought the picture nor do I have any idea why we were having an auction.)

So, yeah, that is my silly wish - I want to be in the same shape as a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader.

Walking will help, strength training next year will help...let's see, I will probably have to add in better diet, more sleep, more water, dance classes, more stretches (maybe yoga or Pilate's?)....hmmm....I don't see this as a quick or easy wish! But something fun to do.

Happy Walking!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 317: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 41

1. A clean basement. I am no where close to having the basement completely done - I am deep cleaning, organizing/rearranging and de-cluttering. Yet, 3/4 of the basement is done and I love it. I feel like a part of me is at rest or at peace. I love knowing that even the area under the stairs (which we don't use at all) is clean.

2. The opportunity to attend YW in Excellence with my oldest daughter. YW (Young Women) is the youth organization for girls age 12-17 at my church. YW in Excellence is held once a year and the young woman showcase their talents. I loved being with my daughter and seeing her growth. Even though I am with her every day, I am still amazed at what a mature, beautiful, thoughtful, generous and kind young woman she is becoming. My daughter show cased some necklaces that she made (she also got a lot of compliments).

3. For the smooth ride that school is so far this year. I have  simple outline, we just start somewhere each day and manage to get it all done. The children are enjoying themselves. I am enjoying the children. I think we are all enjoying learning, working, playing, and reading together. It is so great!

4. Gorgeous weather in October! It isn't exactly an Indian Summer, but it is pretty darn close. We are thoroughly enjoying the weather - yard work, ride bikes, walk, play outside, going to parks, and etc. I know the weather will get cold soon, but I am soaking up every ounce of this great weather that I can. I feel like I have been given a second chance to "get it all done". Not sure what "it" is, but we are getting things done!

5. Realizing that one of my talents is cleaning/organizing and that is okay. It might seem odd, but that is one of my talents. When I ignore that talent than I (and my life) just don't seem to function as well. I am happy to pass my knowledge/love/talent on to children might not always appreciate being the recipient of this gift, but I have noticed that their life seems to run a bit smoother as well. Plus, they are getting use to all the cleaning. :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 316: Looks like I have some believers!

My son informed me at the beginning of his "you will learn to ride this bike" lessons that he would never enjoy riding a bike.

Today, when I said we were going to walk instead of ride - he groaned....loudly.

My son is now a believer....or at least he has embraced his bike and realized it is a lot of fun!

Now I just need to get a bike!

Happy Walking!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 315: Winding down and gearing up

Well, it has taken most of a year, but I think I got this walking thing down, but more importantly, I think, I got the whole "move your body"thing down.

It doesn't matter if it is walking, or practicing Kung Fu, or riding bikes with my children, or attempting Zumba on the Wii - I like to move. Every day, I move and I like it. I look forward to my walks. I enjoy my rest on Sunday, but are revving to go by Monday morning.

This, I believe, is a good thing.

Now my thoughts are turning more and more to my next year long challenge: strength training.

I have always been scared to strength train (I don't want to bulk up) and I think there is a lot of confusing information out there - the best ways to tone and so forth.

I am already trying to decide if it will be an every day event or an every other day event or a 3x a week event or a 2x a week event. I am trying to decide if I should include my children or figure out how to do it on my own. Should I go to a gym? Use free weights at home? Should I try resistance bands? Should I do more yoga/Pilate's that focus on using your own weight?

So many questions and not a lot of time to make these decisions. But more importantly - I am excited to answer those questions and start my next journey!

Happy Walking!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 314: Running behind

My son ventured out of the parking lot and out onto the sidewalks/street to ride his bike today. Me? I walked/jog/ran behind him. Good work out for me, but boy do I want a bike now!

I don't know if I mentioned this before or not, but I realize that part of my job as a parent is to help my children succeed.

Not the fake "everyone gets an award" success, but the honest-to-goodness "I've worked hard" success. I guess that is why this year, our theme for school is "I can do hard things".

I want to succeed at the hard things, I want them to succeed at the hard things and I want all of us to achieve hard things together.

Finding ways for my son to succeed at riding his bike was hard - and sometimes I failed in my job - but the hard work (his and mine) have finally paid off. That is the good kind of success.

Hopefully I am applying that same lesson to myself with this walking journey...

Happy Walking!