Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 338: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 44

1. Halloween costumes are done! I started the project, got help from my friend Syndy and my friend Karen finished them up & made the outfits oh, so perfect. Long story, but the basics: my machine died and my two friends pitched in by letting me use their homes, their machines and their talents. I am just so excited the children are already for the Halloween fun (which actually starts Monday night for us).
2. Mall walking. Who knew I would be thankful after my whining about it earlier this week! Yet, walking there this morning was so nice. It was like being home - it was comfortable, it was warm (pretty important) and mall walking makes me push myself. It was good to be back.
3. Slightly warmer weather....high 50s. Hopefully it will stay like that tomorrow so my oldest and I can ride bikes. A request I should have filled many weekends ago.
4. Listening to my husband and son on speaker phone with my son's friends while they try for umpteen number of hours trying to get the two computers to talk to each other so my son and his friend can play Minecraft together. (yes, that was a run on sentence). I am thankful my husband was willing to help out and I am thankful my son got some "on-line" play with his friend.
5. For early morning hours of quietly reading General Conference talks. I love the quiet solitude, but I love inviting the spirit into my home first thing....just sets the tone so nicely for the rest of the day.

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