Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 334: Track

I don't remember if I mentioned getting really sick last week while practicing Kung Fu, but I have been thinking about that a lot.

Every time I have started any kind of exercise program something always happens to me - I get sick, I pull a muscle or things in my life - like the bed bug wars.

I've often thought it was the universes way of saying, "It's not your time to get in shape! Focus on the children!"

Right or wrong, that is how I have felt.

I realize now that it is just my challenge. Figuring out how to exercise is a challenge for me. I am totally impressed with friends who have more children than I do and still exercise. I am impressed with friends who are single mothers and still exercise. I am impressed with friends who have health issues and still exercise.

Me? I have 3 children, I home school and I am healthy and I struggle to exercise. Weird, right?

But actually, it isn't so weird. We all have struggles. My friends who find time to exercise struggle in different areas - I am just not privy to those struggles. I am only privy to my struggles.

Walking is no longer a struggle, but it was in the beginning. As I practice Kung Fu more it will no longer be a struggle - even if I get sick. When I start strength training, I will probably struggle...a lot. Strength training is something I have actively avoided. :)

Tonight in Kung Fu, Sifu showed us the different levels of learning - 12 student levels and 12 teacher levels...that is a lot of levels. To earn the top would take a life time of studying, practicing and a lot of dedication. Probably a lot of struggles too. My Sifu is at a level 5, teacher. I honestly can't figure out what else he needs to learn.

I guess I kind of see my struggle with exercise like that. I am at a student level 1 for Kung Fu, for walking and all other forms of exercise. My friends who seem to get it in despite the things in their life or just at a higher level than I am...with patience and practice I can get their too. Not competing against them, just trying to improve myself and move myself up the track.

Happy Walking!

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