Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 323: Challenge

How do you know when you are ready for the next challenge?

I wish I knew the answer to that question, maybe it would help me to constantly challenge myself.

As it is, I have been observing my son because I am challenging him this year (our theme is: I can do hard things).

Before my son started to learn how to ride a bicycle he had a lot of "loose" energy that he didn't seem able to control. Most of his energy was usually aimed at his two sisters and not always in the best way. As he was learning how to ride all that "loose" energy seemed to disappear. He seemed happier. He was certainly behaving a lot nicer toward his sisters and he was very willing to do the every day stuff with me, with school and with the family.

This week my son has a lot of "loose" energy. It is mostly aimed at his sisters, but he is also "fighting" the every day stuff. Is it a coincidence that his ability to ride a bicycle has increased dramatically? All he  is "working" on now is building muscles and better control, but for all intents and purposes my son knows how to ride a bike.

I am now wondering if it is time to hit him with the next challenge - reading. He can read. He doesn't like it. He is below his reading level, but he can read. I feel this is one of those "hard things" he needs to do this year. He is well aware of this. Not sure if he is looking forward to it or not, but he is aware of it.

I am hoping that he is being challenged by reading that his "loose" energy will be used up again. I guess only time will tell.

I am thinking I need to apply this same idea to my girls and to myself. What attributes do we exhibit when we are ready for the next challenge?

More specifically, for me, when I am ready for the next hard physical exercise. Walking did get very easy - when exactly did that happen and what should I have done when I noticed? Will the same thing happen with Kung Fu? With strength training when I start that up in November?

I thinking challenging ourselves is a good thing. I think it keeps us moving forward.

Happy Walking!

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