Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 72: 5 Gratitudes for Friday, 7

1. I am thankful for modern conveniences like telephones. Being able to call friends and family who live hundreds or thousands miles away is just truly amazing. Thanks mom & Ashlee for having the time to chat with me- it really helped a lot (and it was soooo much fun!).

2. I am thankful for everyone having an overwhelming need to put on the Internet everything they have ever learned or thought about...well, everything! Thanks to the Internet, I was able to learn more about bed bugs than I ever truly ever wanted to know. (And now I am blessed to pass on my knowledge to everyone else!) Here are a couple of sites that helped me in this war.  - this site has a ton of information on all kinds of ways to be prepared on all kinds of situations. I liked the writing style and I felt the information was really good. - this is a great site with a ton of FAQ's, but be careful - it is very easy to switch over to their "home" page which only option is to contact them to buy products. I love the FAQ's, but not the way the site is set up.

There are a ton of sites out there - I highly recommend being informed before you ever set foot in another hotel. I also recommend if you recently have been at a hotel - to check your home!

3. I am thankful my children still enjoy having me read to them. I love quietly snuggling & enjoying  a good book together. I am also thankful my children do not mind my silly voices (I think they might actually like the silly voices!). Sometimes, when I am really tired, I don't want to bother, but I always remind myself that one day they will no longer ask me to read to them. I love it when they read it to me, but I love it even more when they try to put the emotion & silly voices into the stories - just like me!

4. I am thankful, that as a home school mom I don't have to go anywhere during the day. Our car decided to have engine break down this week, so we have been stuck at home...just a good excuse to read more, learn more and work more!

5. I am thankful for a warm house when it is 1 degrees outside...yes, you heard me - 1 degrees. That is incredibly to cold for anyone! Alaska for crying out loud has had warmer temperature than us this past week! I am amazed & humbled that my husband braves this extreme cold weather so that I can have the lifestyle I have grown accustomed to (stay at home mom who also home schools - no exotic trips or cars though).

Happy Walking!

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