Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 94: Back to Dressing Your Truth

Now that I have the added knowledge and insight from all the other books, the ideas and theories that Carol Tuttle puts forth in Dressing Your Truth doesn't seem all that odd.

I decided I needed a closer look than what the short video series provided.

Carol Tuttle has written a book, "Discover Your Personality Beauty Profile". She states that the book is adapted & updated from her energy profiling book specifically to help women dress their truth.

Most of the book drove me nuts. Tuttle is a very dynamic woman. I enjoyed her video series. I really got a sense that she believes in her product, believes every woman deserves to feel beautiful because all women have their own unique beauty.

Unfortunately, the journalist side of my personality came out as I read the books...I wanted to rewrite sentences. I wanted footnotes & indexes. I also felt like Tuttle repeated herself a lot. And on top of that, I am not her target audience.

Tuttle believes the fashion industry lies to women & she wants to help women see their unique beauty beyond the fashion world. I do not have a problem with this statement since I do not follow fashion & feel that the fashion world is only interested in making money...not actually helping women feel beautiful.

What I did like in Tuttle's book, is what I liked in the video series...the description of the 4 types of beauty. Tuttle insists that a test is not needed because each woman has a beauty 6th sense...we just need to learn how to use it.

Her descriptions of the 4 personality types are in many ways much easier to understand than the other books I read. Although the book covers the same information as the video series, the book does go into a lot more detail. And, even if you are not sure what your type is, purchasing the Dressing Your Truth course is okay to do...Tuttle has a money back guarantee, she has staff to help you determine your type and you can even trade one type's course for another if you realize you made the wrong choice.

I have not taken the Dressing Your Truth course, but she does offer a lot. The course itself can be expensive, but she constantly has deals. One of the nice things about taking her Beauty Profiling video course is that she offers her book free in pdf format and offers the Dressing Your Truth course at a very discounted price.

I also love that Tuttle will have you thinking about your clothes & your shopping experience in a different way. Just  be warned, Tuttle very much wants you to buy her Dressing Your Truth course, so it is mentioned a lot in the video series & in the book.

Bottom line? The whole thing is worth the money if this is something you are interested in, but don't want to spend big bucks with a personal colorist or read a ton of confusing books (like me). My friend Ashlee took the Dressing Your Truth course & told me it was a lot of fun. She also told me what she likes best about it is the cheat sheet for shopping...she has a card that shows all the colors for her type on one side and the other side has the lines, fabrications, patterns, etc. Not bad for an on-line course.

Happy Walking!

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