Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 87: The Truth

"You can't handle the truth!" Is a great movie quote. Jack Nicholson telling Tom Cruise that he can't handle the truth of what Jack Nicholson does - being a general in the army standing on the wall in Cuba - in the movie, "A Few Good Men."

Now, in the movie, Jack Nicholson's character was completely wrong in his version of the truth. And just like Nicholson, we can so many times be wrong with version of truth we hold for ourselves.

For several months now, I have been on a different journey...a journey of who I am.

At first, I thought the journey was to learn more about the women in the scriptures. Then the journey morphed into learning more about personalities. Than it morphed into learning more about style - as in fashion. And finally, arrived at the truth of me.

Am I done with this journey? Not by a long shot. Learning about me is a life long journey. For what I believe to be true today can be something different in the future...why? because what I know & understand will change over time & therefore new information can be applied to understanding myself better.

Can I handle the truth?

Um...there was denial, there was frustration, there was irritation, a little anger, there were a few tears, and a few aha moments... now there is acceptance & love. Love and acceptance of who I am today.

And today?

I am pretty good.

Over the next several days, I am going to share the different things I have read & what I have learned.

Happy Walking!

1 comment:

  1. I"m doing some catch up and am looking forward to hearing the truth. But, it will have to wait for another night. I have other reading to do. Love you!


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