Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 89: Dressing Your Truth

My wonderful friend, Ashlee, recently posted about Dressing Your Truth. You can read her post here.

Dressing Your Truth was interesting to me because it is about matching your personality to the colors, lines, fabrications, textures  and patterns in clothing.

You can check the site out here.

I chose to do the beauty profiling for free. It is a series of videos (6, I think) that give an over view to the idea/theory behind dressing your truth. To get into the details you must purchase the dressing your truth course.

The beauty profiling videos are interesting because they suggest you can figure out your personality based on how you doodle, your preference in sitting, attributes in your face (like the shape of your nose) and the usual personality tips that cover typical things you do.

I still wasn't convinced that my personality could help me figure out how to dress better, but I still found the subject interesting.

The one thing I found amazing about the beauty profiling was the creator, Carol Tuttle. She is an amazing ball of energy. She believes patiently in dressing your truth. She believes patiently that every woman deserves to feel beautiful because every woman is beautiful. She believes that all 4 personality types are equal, just different. No right. No wrong. Just different. Carol Tuttle loves all 4 types.

That made a big enough impact that I wanted to continue to know more....but I wanted the "more" from more sources.

I guess that is part of my personality...I like to check lots of sources, I like to compare and I like to come to my own realizations. The Beauty Profiling intrigued me to want to learn more.

The rest of my journey involves several more books. And I know I am beautiful - all my quirks, all my pet peeves...well, everything that makes beautiful.

Happy Walking!

1 comment:

  1. I love, too, how Carol thinks that all women are beautiful.


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