Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 95: Truth about Style

I happen to love Stacy London. She is the co-host to the TLC show, "What Not To Wear"...which I do not watch. Well, I have seen it a couple of times, but I do not make a point of watching it.

Still, the few things that I have run across that involves Stacy London - I love!

She has a company, Style for Hire...which is slowly bringing stylists that she has trained to cities across the U.S. Check out the site here.

She also wrote a book with her co-host, Clinton Kelly, "Dress Your Best: The Complete Guide to Finding the Style That's Right For Your Body." I have read that book sometime ago. I liked the book, learned a lot of good tips & tricks (number one is tailoring). Yet, the book was unrealistic because it did not address my life at body? yes, my life? no.

Stacy London's newest book: The Truth About Style is different from the Dress Your Best book. In The Truth About Style tells London's personal story - her battle with psoriasis, anorexia & bulimia. her love with fashion & how finding her personal style truly saved her. She is very open & honest. She does "start-overs" (because she refuses to use the word make-over) for a number of women. These start-overs not only discuss style do & don'ts, but also talks about how their emotional baggage is causing them problems.

This idea that how we dress can change us from the inside out was resonated in the Tuttle book & the Wright book. Basically, if you are choosing to live all in black or only in sweats or dressing too old or too young than perhaps it has less to do with knowledge or comfort, but more to do with you accepting yourself.

London stresses a lot that you must accept what you see in the mirror & in the photo with the image in your head (yeah, in my head I am still 20 something...the photos & the mirror lie!) She also explains the idea "yes...and?". It is basically taking the lemons life gives you & making lemonade, but I love how she explains the idea that walks you through this concept with each start-over.

While reading The Truth About Style, all the other ideas that I have read started to coming together - very exciting.

Bottom line: A great read. Probably my favorite out of all the books. I think it would be beneficial for anyone who is interested in finding their personal style.

1 comment:

  1. I just read the part about my body type in that first book--I need to wear different shoes. :)


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