Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 90: 3 months

I am breaking for a moment from my self awareness journey & book review to reflect on the 3 month mile marker.

If we were to study my past, we would discover a pattern of working hard at fitness &  health for 3 months and then....just nothing. Sometimes it would be an abrupt stop. Sometimes it would gradually disappear. Sometimes a "crisis" would cause the end. And sadly, sometimes, it was because of compliments and/or me feeling great (and stupidly thinking I could take it easy).

In all honestly, it is this blog that keeps me walking every day. Even if I was the only person reading the blog, I would still walk. Why? Because I can not write a lie. I just can't. What I write stays forever. I have journal after journal after journal...not one lie. Lots of brutal truths, lots of hopes, dreams & wishes. Lots of learning & understanding, but not one single lie.

If I write that I have walked...I have to walk. It is just that simple.

So, 3 months of walking & 3 months of writing. Pretty cool. I love to write and now I love to walk too.

I have toyed with the idea of weighing myself as a "see how I am doing" thing. But I have decided against it. In the past, I was all about the number: the number on the scale and the number on the dress. This time, I don't want to be about the number. In fact, I am not about the number...at all. I am 100% about the journey, about this blog and about my health.

Journey wise: loving it. Love where my thoughts & desires are going. Love what I am seeing and experiencing. Just enjoying this journey.

Blog wise: loving it too. What is not to love? I get to write, I get to express my thoughts & ideas. Plus, if nobody listens - I don't know! (my husband likes the last point, especially)

Health wise: I don't know...but I have more energy, I sleep better at night, I feel more like myself, I am laughing a lot more and I am happily adding things to my life - like stretching & drinking more water.

I don't have any new numbers, but I do have a recent picture of me:

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