Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 77: Almost like old times...

What I find amazing about this walking journey is the memories that come to the surface at random times. Today was one of those days.
A friend from church asked if she could join me at the mall. I said yes.

She has 2 girls in school, but her son is a toddler - he was so good in the stroller. As we walked around them mall & chatted, all the memories of walking with my friend Sarah when my children were still in as stroller came back to me.

I have mentioned before that I suffered from post-partum depression. A lot of factors went into my recovery, Sarah was one of them. Sarah is in many ways exactly like me, but in other ways we are opposites. I am happy to stay home, she loves to be on the go. I am happy being a couch potato, she is an athlete. I am one project at a time kind of gal, Sarah can seem to take on the world all at once.

When I had my oldest, Sarah had her 2nd child a few months later. I struggled with everything as a new mom - even getting dressed in the morning. Sarah seemed to bounce back from labor & delivery as if it was just another romp into the city. She amazed me (actually, she still amazes me).

What Sarah did soon after her son was born was convince me to meet her at the park to walk every morning. We would walk, push strollers & talk. Afterwards, we would continue to talk as we let her 2 year old run around the park. When it got cold we moved to the mall.

Sarah got me into the habit of walking that after she moved away I was able to continue on my own (I eventually found a new walking partner). I walked all the way through my the pregnancies of my other two children as well - a double stroller is hard to push around a mall, but I did it.

As I walked today, my children in front and my friend pushing her son in the stroller, it almost felt like old times. Happy times. Happy memories of friendship.

It also reminded me of how great I felt (and looked) when I walked everyday. In fact, I was in such great shape, I walked the day before my youngest was born. That still amazes me.

I guess, maybe, I am a walker deep down. I guess, maybe, I am an athlete deep down. I guess, maybe, I do have what it takes to be in shape & take care of myself.

The journey feels great - I am so glad I took that first step.

Happy Walking!

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